Showing Records: 61 - 70 of 101
Protecting Inventors: The Inventor Rights Protection and Patent Reform Act of 1996
Digital item
Identifier: CAC_CC_002_6_36_14_0049
Protecting the Independence of SCORE Chapter 194: A Letter from L.B. Holt
Digital item
Identifier: CAC_CC_109_7_3_20_0013
PTA Pointers with Oklahoma City Studio
Digital item
Identifier: CAC_CC_026_3_282_19_0024
Quick Facts on the programs of The Office of Economic Opportunity
Digital item
Identifier: CAC_CC_026_3_282_21_0003
S.666 Bill Progress and Inquiries
Digital item
Identifier: CAC_CC_109_7_35_24_0002
Small Business Contract Awarded by Bureau of Indian Affairs
Digital item
Identifier: CAC_CC_001_4_63_39_0002
Support for Oklahoma Health Centers
Digital item
Identifier: CAC_CC_001_4_63_47_0005
Support for Sonic Boom Studies in Oklahoma City by The Trane Company
Digital item
Identifier: CAC_CC_038_8_47_4_0049
Supporting H.R. 760: The Biotechnology Patent Protection Act
Digital item
Identifier: CAC_CC_002_6_36_14_0009
Telegraph Services and Terms: Domestic and International Options
Digital item
Identifier: CAC_CC_001_4_47_36_0009
Filtered By
- Subject: Commerce X
Filter Results
Additional filters:
- Names
- Harris, Fred R., 32nd Chair of the Democratic National Committee (1969-1970); United States Senator from Oklahoma (1964-1973), 1930- 23
- Bartlett, Dewey F., 1919-1979 8
- Camp, John N. "Happy", 1908-1987 8
- Harris, Fred R., 1930- 6
- Armey, Richard K., 1940- 4
- Albert, Carl Bert, 1908-2000 2
- Monroney, A. S. Mike (Almer Stillwell Mike), 1902-1980 2
- Cohen, Lawrence , Mayor, Saint Paul, Minnesota, 1933-2016 1
- Douglas, Helen Gahagan, 1900-1980 1
- Jones, James Robert (James R.), United States Ambassador to Mexico (1993-1997); Chair of the House Budget Committee (1981-1985); U.S. House of Representatives from Oklahoma's 1st district (1973-1987), 1939- 1
- Jones, James Robert, 1939- 1 ∧ less
∨ more