Agriculture, 1961
File — Box: LG 21, Folder: 1
Identifier: CAC_CC_048_1_21_1_0000
Topics include National Milk Sanitation Bill; meat grading; pecan disease research; Nutria Breeders Association; Mexican Farm labor program; agricultural experimentation stations research; surplus food to state penal institutions; cattle industry issues; honey orders; and National Wool Act. Correspondents include State Department of Agriculture; Oklahoma Cattlemen's Association; Oklahoma Pecan Growers' Association; American Farm Bureau Federation; National Farmers Union; Oklahoma Farm Bureau; Oklahoma Association of Electric Cooperatives; Jeffrey Cohelan; Harold D. Cooley; National Advisory Committee on Farm Labor; Oklahoma Farmers Union; State of Oklahoma State Board of Public Affairs; US Department of Agriculture, Agricultural Research Service; and Oklahoma Beekeepers Association.
- 1961
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From the Collection: 529.08 Linear Feet (427 containers)
Repository Details
Part of the Carl Albert Center Congressional and Political Collections Repository