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Judiciary, 1975

 File — Box: LG 74, Folder: 27
Identifier: CAC_CC_048_1_74_27_0000
Topics include ERA Equal Rights Amendment; foreign labor and immigration issues; Animal Fighting Prohibition Act; Omnibus Copyright Bill; debt collectors; Law Enforcement Assistance Administration Act; Family Farm Anti-Trust Act; Financial Disclosure Act; Civil Rights Amendments of 1975, specific to gay rights; US parole system; Parole Reorganization Act of 1975; Performance Rights Amendment; federal financial assistance to state courts; and telecasting football games. Correspondents include Oklahoma State Department of Agriculture, Animal Industry Division; Peter W. Rodino Jr; Oklahoma Common Cause; Robert "Bob" W. Kastenmeier; Oklahoma Broadcasters Association; and Oklahoma Coaches Association.


  • 1975

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Certain series of this collection are stored off-site and require prior notice to access. If you wish to view these materials, please contact the Congressional Archives staff to arrange an appointment.

The Clippings Series is stored off-site.


From the Collection: 529.08 Linear Feet (427 containers)

Repository Details

Part of the Carl Albert Center Congressional and Political Collections Repository

630 Parrington Oval
Room 202B
Norman Oklahoma 73109 United States