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Indian Affairs Committee, 1924-1928

 File — Box: LG 1, Folder: 18
Identifier: CAC_CC_053_3_1_18_0000
Crow Indians, Kiowa Indians of Oklahoma, Comanche Indians of Oklahoma, Apache Indians of Oklahoma, Chickasaw Indians, Choctaw Indians, Creek Indians, Delaware Indians, Kansa Indians, Ponca Indians, Seminole Indians, land titles, Indian claims, and Kaw Indians.


  • 1924-1928

Language of Materials


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Certain series of this collection are stored off-site and require prior notice to access. If you wish to view these materials, please contact the Congressional Archives staff to arrange an appointment.

The following series are stored off-site: Constituent Services, Miscellaneous, and Office Series.


From the Collection: 335.2 Linear Feet (283 containers)