Miscellaneous public laws, undated
Item — Box: RS 1, Folder: 19
Identifier: CAC_CC_053_9_1_19_8
Including H. R. 8505. Public Number 430, 75th Congress, Chapter 30, 3rd Session. To Provide for Conservation of Soil Resources. H. R. 9915 to Amend Agricultural Adjustment Act. S. 3949 to Amend Agricultural Adjustment Act of 1938. S. 3836, S. J. Res. 308 To Prescribe Acreage Allotments for Wheat for 1939.
- undated
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The following series are stored off-site: Constituent Services, Miscellaneous, and Office Series.
The following series are stored off-site: Constituent Services, Miscellaneous, and Office Series.
From the Collection: 335.2 Linear Feet (283 containers)
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Part of the Carl Albert Center Congressional and Political Collections Repository