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Budget - Supports Reagan Budget, May 5 - June 16, 1982

 File — Box: LG 104, Folder: 9
Identifier: CAC_CC_109_7_104_9_0000
This series documents Congressman Jones' legislative activities. The Legislative Series heavily reflects Jones' focus on tax policy and budgetary matters, including extensive documentation of his chairmanship of the House Budget Committee and his long tenure on the House Ways and Means Committee. Particular topics include the Savings and Loan Crisis of the early 1980s, President Reagan's budget proposals, the windfall profits tax, changes... to the capital gains tax, formation of the Departments of Education and Energy, the oil embargo crisis, opposition to the Torrijos-Carter Treaties, and Jones' involvement in trade negotiations with Japan. The bulk of this series is comprised of constituent issue mail urging yea or nay votes on particular bills and resolutions. Where feasible, these have been identified by bill title and number. The series also includes material more substantive to the lawmaking process, such as bill drafts and markups, committee reports, issue briefs assembled by the Library of Congress' Congressional Research Service, meeting notes, Dear Colleague letters, and Congressional hearing testimony. See more


  • 1982

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Certain series of this collection are stored off-site and require prior notice to access. If you wish to view these materials, please contact the Congressional Archives staff to arrange an appointment.

The following series are stored off-site: Clippings, Invitations, White House Records, and 2017 Accrual.


From the Collection: 476.25 Linear Feet (407 containers)

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