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June 5 1973, 1973-06-05

 Item — Box: 66, Folder: 6
Identifier: CAC_CC_003_11_66_6_0003
June 5 1973
June 5 1973
Topics include James Abourezk, Howard Henry Baker, Henry Bellmon, Alan Bible, James Lane Buckley, Harry Flood Byrd, Allan W. Cromley, John Ehrlichman, Edward King Gaylord, David Hall, Clifford Peter Hansen, Henry Martin Jackson, Edward Moore Kennedy, Eugene J. McCarthy, Clem Rogers McSpadden, George Meany, Golda Meir, Richard M. Nixon, Bob Packwood, Jennings Randolph, George Pratt Shultz, Jim Thorpe, Roy Joseph Turner dDeath and burial, Jerry T. Verkler, American Indian Movement, Republican Party (U.S.: 1854-), United States Army Corps of Engineers, United States Bureau of Outdoor Recreation, United States Congress Senate, United States Cost of Living Council, United States Environmental Protection Agency, United States Federal Power Commission, abortion law and legislation, United States budget, busing for school integration, civil rights, American economic assistance, United States energy industries, Oklahoma flood control, United States food prices, United States grants-in-aid, Indians of North America government relations, United States inflation (finance), Oklahoma judges selection and appointment, parliamentary practice rulings, power resources law and legislation, United States price regulation, United States user charges law and legislation, Watergate Affair 1972-1974, United States voter registration, Israel foreign relations, Oklahoma political corruption, Soviet Union foreign relations, Vietnam foreign relations, Wounded Knee (S.D.) Indian occupation 1973, Birch Bay, G. T. Blankenship, Sam Buffalo (Chief Cheyenne Arapaho), Bill Burkett, Leo Winters, Economic Stabilization Act, Energy Fuel Allocation Act, Golden Eagle Bill, Land Use Bill, Roe v. Wade, Shield Law, and User Fee Bill.


  • Other: 1973-06-05

Language of Materials


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Certain series of this collection are stored off-site and require prior notice to access. If you wish to view these materials, please contact the Congressional Archives staff to arrange an appointment.

The following series are stored off-site: Clippings and Books.

Bartlett, Legislative Series, Box 14 is stored off-site. These materials are currently closed to researchers.


From the Collection: 105.83 Linear Feet (98 containers)

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  • TypeCollection

Repository Details

Part of the Carl Albert Center Congressional and Political Collections Repository

630 Parrington Oval
Room 202B
Norman Oklahoma 73109 United States