Title: Land Matter Inquiry Regarding Riverside Indian School and Kiowa Indian Agency, 1959-01-01 - 1959-12-31
Item — Box: 45, Folder: 8b
Identifier: CAC_CC_004_5_45_8B_0001
The Caddo Indian Tribe of Oklahoma has contacted Congressman Page Belcher regarding a land matter related to the Riverside Indian School and the Kiowa Indian Agency. The Bureau of Indian Affairs is investigating the legal status of the lands and whether they can be restored to tribal ownership. The matter is complex and being studied by the Office of the Solicitor. Congressman Belcher is working to obtain information and will provide updates as soon as possible.
- 1959-01-01 - 1959-12-31
Language of Materials
9 Pages
86th (1959-1961)
- From the Collection: Belcher, Page Henry, U.S. House of Representatives from Oklahoma (1951-1973), 1899-1980 (Person)
Repository Details
Part of the Carl Albert Center Congressional and Political Collections Repository