Title: Correspondence Regarding Indian Hospital at Claremore, 1959-01-01 - 1959-12-31
Item — Box: 45, Folder: 8c
Identifier: CAC_CC_004_5_45_8C_0008
The text is a series of letters regarding the provision of medical care to Indians living in Claremore, Oklahoma, and Tulsa. The Public Health Service explains their policy of prioritizing medical care based on relative need and access to other sources of care. They also mention an increase in allocation for medical services in the Oklahoma Area. The Bureau of Indian Affairs confirms that responsibility for providing medical care to Indians was transferred to the Public Health Service in 1955. Congressman Page Belcher is involved in facilitating communication between the different parties involved.
- 1959-01-01 - 1959-12-31
Language of Materials
10 Pages
86th (1959-1961)
- From the Collection: Belcher, Page Henry, U.S. House of Representatives from Oklahoma (1951-1973), 1899-1980 (Person)
- TypeCollection
Repository Details
Part of the Carl Albert Center Congressional and Political Collections Repository