Title: Federal Building Survey: United States Post Office Investigation, 1973-01-01 - 1973-12-31
Item — Box: 17, Folder: 22
Identifier: CAC_CC_007_4_17_22_0003
The Office of Inspector in Oklahoma City is conducting a survey of the Federal Building in Shawnee, Oklahoma. They are requesting information about the post office, the city, postal business, industries, institutions, population, employees, mail volume, and parcel deliveries. They are also asking for details about the Federal Building, available sites, and local conditions that affect the post office business.
- 1973-01-01 - 1973-12-31
8 Pages
- From the Collection: Boren, Lyle H., U.S. House of Representatives from Oklahoma's 4th district (1937-1947), 1909-1992 (Person)
- TypeCollection
Repository Details
Part of the Carl Albert Center Congressional and Political Collections Repository