Title: Request for Appointment of Mr. T. J. Ellison as Area Director of the Muskogee Area Office, 1973-03-23
Item — Box: 26, Folder: 14
Identifier: CAC_CC_009_1_26_14_0013
Mr. Francis Drexil, a member of the Osage Tribal Council, wrote a letter to Honorable Marvin Franklin, Assistant to the Secretary for Indian Affairs, expressing support for Mr. T. J. Ellison to be appointed as the Area Director of the Muskogee Area office of the Bureau of Indian Affairs. The Osage Tribal Council believes that Mr. Ellison, who is familiar with tribal operations in eastern Oklahoma, is the best candidate for the position. The letter was forwarded by Congressman Happy Camp to Mr. Franklin, who acknowledged the support of the Osage Tribal Council and stated that Mr. Ellison would be considered for the position.
- 1973-03-23
7 Pages
93rd (1973-1975)
Native Americans
- TypeCollection
Repository Details
Part of the Carl Albert Center Congressional and Political Collections Repository