Title: Improving Federal Occupational Safety and Health: President Reagan's Initiative, 1982-12-09
Item — Box: 170, Folder: 14
Identifier: CAC_CC_017_3_170_14_0010
The document discusses President Reagan's program to improve occupational safety and health for Federal employees. It includes letters sent to agency heads and designated safety and health officials outlining the administration's position and offering assistance in reducing workplace injuries and illnesses. The program includes resource targeting, training, consultation, evaluation, and awards for agencies showing improvement. President Reagan emphasizes the importance of all Federal managers, supervisors, and employees taking an active role in improving safety and health conditions.
- 1982-12-09
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Certain series of this collection are stored off-site and require prior notice to access. If you wish to view these materials, please contact the Congressional Archives staff to arrange an appointment.
The following series are stored off-site: Clippings and Invitations.
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The following series are stored off-site: Clippings and Invitations.
Access to audiovisual materials is by appointment only, due to the technical requirements to view this media.
10 Pages
97th (1981-1983)
- From the Collection: English, Glenn Lee, U.S. House of Representatives from Oklahoma's 6th district, 1940- (Person)
Repository Details
Part of the Carl Albert Center Congressional and Political Collections Repository