Title: Correspondence from Robert S. Kerr, Chairman of the Senate Committee on Finance, 1954-07-30
Item — Box: 8, Folder: 1
Identifier: CAC_CC_033_5_8_1_0071
The document is a letter from Robert S. Kerr, a member of the United States Senate Committee on Finance, to Josh Lee, a member of the Civil Aeronautics Board, thanking him for sending a copy of a note he sent to Doyle Pope. Kerr appreciates the gesture and mentions that it was good to see Lee last week. Kerr invites Lee to stop by anytime he is on the Hill and sends his kindest regards.
- 1954-07-30
Language of Materials
1 Pages
83rd (1953-1955)
Repository Details
Part of the Carl Albert Center Congressional and Political Collections Repository