Title: Cross-Border Trade Dispute: The Avocado Conundrum, 1995-08-08 - 1996-01-14T00:00:00+00:00
Item — Box: 2, Folder: 4
Identifier: CAC_CC_109_1.2_2_4_0001
The document discusses the proposed lifting of the ban on imports of Mexican avocados by the USDA, based on a strict phytosanitary plan. The proposal aims to increase supplies and lower prices for U.S. consumers, while also aligning with trade agreements. Opponents, mainly California producers, are seeking to delay the action, citing concerns about potential pest infestations. The USDA proposal includes stringent measures to prevent infestations and ensure the safety of U.S. avocado growers. The potential benefits of allowing Mexican avocado imports include lower prices for consumers and increased economic cooperation between the U.S. and Mexico.
- 1995-08-08 - 1996-01-14T00:00:00+00:00
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68 Pages
104th Congress (1995-1997)
Agriculture and Food
Repository Details
Part of the Carl Albert Center Congressional and Political Collections Repository