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Support for Exempting Soldier Pay from Income Tax Bill, 1944-01-01

 Item — Box: 6, Folder: Unknown
Identifier: CAC_CC_047_1_6_55_0009
The document consists of two letters, one from Mr. Schwabe to Mr. Willson acknowledging receipt of his letter congratulating Congressman Stigler on introducing a bill to exempt soldiers from income tax, and expressing support for the measure. The second letter is from Mr. Willson to Congressman Stigler congratulating him on the bill and urging for a retroactive provision to January 1, 1944. Both letters express strong support for the bill and the importance of exempting soldier pay from income tax.


  • 1944-01-01

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This series is stored off-site and requires prior notice to access. If you wish to view these materials, please contact the Congressional Archives staff to arrange an appointment.


2 Pages