1945 Telegram Urging Continuation of Fair Employment Practices Committee Funding, 1945-01-01 - 1946-12-31
Item — Box: 5, Folder: 14
Identifier: CAC_CC_047_1_5_14_0015
The document provides information about different symbols used in telegrams and cables, as well as the standard time for filing and receiving messages. It also includes a message urging for adequate funds for the Fair Employment Practices Committee to continue its work during wartime.
- 1945-01-01 - 1946-12-31
Language of Materials
Access Restriction
This series is stored off-site and requires prior notice to access. If you wish to view these materials, please contact the Congressional Archives staff to arrange an appointment.
1 Pages
79th (1945-1947)
Repository Details
Part of the Carl Albert Center Congressional and Political Collections Repository