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Congressman's Response to Opposition of the Wagner-Murray-Dingell Bill, 1946-04-12

 Item — Box: 7, Folder: 4
Identifier: CAC_CC_047_1_7_4_0007
Congressman's Response to Opposition of the Wagner-Murray-Dingell Bill, 1946-04-12
Congressman's Response to Opposition of the Wagner-Murray-Dingell Bill, 1946-04-12
Dr. Trent wrote to Representative Schwabe urging him to vote against the Wagner-Murray-Dingell Bill, which he believes is an attempt to introduce socialized medicine. Representative Schwabe, in response, expresses his strong opposition to the bill and the New Deal in general, stating his commitment to American principles and ideals. He also mentions his background as the son of a country doctor and his support from the medical community in his district.


  • 1946-04-12

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2 Pages