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Correspondences Regarding the Federal Land Bank Loan for Wheat in 1918, 1921-01-01 - 1921-12-31

 Item — Box: 4, Folder: 56
Identifier: CAC_CC_023_3.4_4_56_0006
Correspondences Regarding the Federal Land Bank Loan for Wheat in 1918, 1921-01-01 - 1921-12-31
Correspondences Regarding the Federal Land Bank Loan for Wheat in 1918, 1921-01-01 - 1921-12-31
The text consists of a series of letters between Lev Cox and an unknown recipient regarding a fund distributed by the Federal Land Bank in 1918 for seed wheat. Lev Cox is seeking information on the distribution of the fund and the recipient assures him that efforts are being made to address the issue through Congress. The recipient also mentions the dry weather in Lev's area and updates him on a letter from the Treasury Department regarding a claim by Mrs. L. B. Cullen. The recipient instructs Lev to write to Mr. Lobdell regarding the claim.


  • 1921-01-01 - 1921-12-31


6 Pages