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Revised Schedule and Country Clearance Request for Ambassador Jones, 1996-01-12 - 1996-02-02

 Item — Box: 2, Folder: 5
Identifier: CAC_CC_109_1.2_2_5_0006
Revised Schedule and Country Clearance Request for Ambassador Jones, 1996-01-12 - 1996-02-02
Revised Schedule and Country Clearance Request for Ambassador Jones, 1996-01-12 - 1996-02-02
The schedule for Ambassador Jones on Monday, January 29 includes meetings with various officials and briefings throughout the day. There is also a request for country clearance for Division Chief Dianne Graham to travel to Mexico City and Monterrey from January 28 to February 1 for discussions related to the CN program with Mexico. Additionally, there is a note regarding a Wirth & Company briefing for the Ambassador to be scheduled for the following week.


  • 1996-01-12 - 1996-02-02


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13 Pages