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Improving Indian Education: A Call for Action

 Digital item
Identifier: CAC_CC_109_7_5_8_0007
Improving Indian Education: A Call for Action
Improving Indian Education: A Call for Action


  • May 29, 1974-June 5, 1974
  • 93rd Congress (1973-1975)

Scope and Contents

LaDonna Harris, President of Americans for Indian Opportunity, expressed concerns about bill S. 1017 to Chairperson Lloyd Meeds of the House Indian Affairs Subcommittee. She pointed out issues with the Joint Operation of Indian Education funds and urged for better regulations to control the handling of funds. She also recommended adopting the "Red Regs" drafted by competent Indian educators and lawyers to ensure quality education for Indian children. Harris suggested that with the adoption of these regulations, the education portion of bill S. 1017 may not be necessary. She also emphasized the need for adequate construction funds, provisions for community colleges, and training programs for Indian education.


3 pages


LaDonna Harris

Policy Area Indians of North America

Congress 93rd (1973)

Tribal Affiliation Nonaffiliated+-

Harris, LaDonna, 1931-; Meeds, Lloyd, 1927-2005
  • TypeDeliverableUnit

Repository Details

Part of the Carl Albert Center Congressional and Political Collections Repository

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