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Support for W. Pat Jennings' Candidacy for Clerk of The House

 Digital item
Identifier: CAC_CC_109_5_38_10_0001


  • December 29, 1972
  • 92nd (1971-1973)

Scope and Contents

Correspondence from James R. Jones to Pat Jennings, the Clerk of the House of Representatives. Jones expresses his support for Jennings and looks forward to working with him in the upcoming Congress. He also offers his assistance if needed. The second letter is from Pat Jennings to James R. Jones. Jennings is a candidate for the position of Clerk in the 93rd Congress and is seeking Jones' support in the Democratic Caucus. Jennings highlights his past service as Clerk and his commitment to meeting Members' needs. He asks for Jones' support and pledges his best efforts in the new Congress.


2 pages