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AIO Action Council and Lobbying on Indian Affairs

 Digital item
Identifier: CAC_CC_026_3_282_4_0021


  • April 25, 1972
  • 92nd Congress (1971-1973)

Scope and Contents

In the letter, Harris thanks Huntley for attending a meeting discussing the AIO Action Council, and she solicits a contribution from him for the Council's budget. She encloses a copy of the budget and the annual report for Americans for Indian Opportunity, which details the Council's activities from the previous year.


1 pages


Harris, Ladonna

Congress 92nd (1971-1973)

Policy Area Indians of North America--Politics and government
  • TypeDeliverableUnit

Repository Details

Part of the Carl Albert Center Congressional and Political Collections Repository

630 Parrington Oval
Room 202B
Norman Oklahoma 73109 United States