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Supporting Term Limits and Flat Tax: A Message from Dick Armey

 Digital item
Identifier: CAC_CC_002_6_35_10_0024


  • Majority of material found within 104th (1995-1997); 105th (1997-1999); 106th (1999-2001)

Scope and Contents

The text is a response from man Dick Armey to a supporter of term limits and the flat tax. Armey expresses his support for term limits and discusses the recent vote on a term limits constitutional amendment in . He also mentions plans to reintroduce the Freedom and Fairness Restoration Act for the flat tax. Armey thanks the supporter for contacting him.


1 pages


Armey, Richard K., 1940-

Congress 104th (1995-1997); 105th (1997-1999); 106th (1999-2001)

Policy Area Banks and banking--United States; Older people--Medical care--United States; Constituent Correspondence

Tribal Affiliation Non-Specified
  • TypeDeliverableUnit

Repository Details

Part of the Carl Albert Center Congressional and Political Collections Repository

630 Parrington Oval
Room 202B
Norman Oklahoma 73109 United States