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Disapproval of Sonic Boom Damage Claims

 Digital item
Identifier: CAC_CC_038_8_47_5_0074


  • March 16, 1964
  • 88th (1963-1965)

Scope and Contents

Mr. and Mrs. Dempsey Edwards filed damage claims after sonic boom studies were conducted in Oklahoma City, but their claims were disapproved. The disapprovals were based on investigations that found the damage was not caused by the sonic booms but by other factors such as aging, structural movement, and poor maintenance. They have the option to appeal the decisions by writing to Lt. Colonel William Karr at Tinker Air Force Base. Additionally, there is a citizens committee established by the Federal Aviation Agency in Oklahoma City to review sonic boom damage claims that they may want to bring their case to.



Congress 88th (1963-1965)

Policy Area Aeronautics; Government Operations and Politics

Tribal Affiliation Non-Specified
  • TypeDeliverableUnit

Repository Details

Part of the Carl Albert Center Congressional and Political Collections Repository

630 Parrington Oval
Room 202B
Norman Oklahoma 73109 United States