Folder 1
Contains 51 Collections and/or Records:
Boundary Map of the Arkansas-White-Red Basins, undated
Item — Folder: 1
Identifier: CAC_CC_031_14_0000_1_46
Scope and Contents
Map consists of all waterways and select cities within the Basins. The bold line surrounding the State of Oklahoma is the boundary of the Arkansas-White-Red Basins.
Forest Type Map of Oklahoma, 1940 December 12
Item — Folder: 1
Identifier: CAC_CC_031_14_0000_1_47
Scope and Contents
Forestry map of Oklahoma featuring color and pattern-coded areas for types of trees as well as the Federal Shelterbelt Zone and areas under cooperative fire protection.
Fort Cobb Project: General Map and Land Classification, 1951 June 19
Item — Folder: 1
Identifier: CAC_CC_031_14_0000_1_48
Scope and Contents
Item consists of a smaller regional map and predominantly of a land use map for the Foss-Fort Cobb Reservoirs Operating area in the Washita River Sub-Basin, Oklahoma.
Bird Creek Watershed, 1960 March 25
Item — Folder: 1
Identifier: CAC_CC_031_14_0000_1_49
Scope and Contents
Watershed map for Osage, Rogers, Tulsa, and Washington Counties of Oklahoma. Item map and content was "Prepared from Oklahoma County Highway maps. Reproduction permission granted U.S Department of Agriculture, Soil Conservation Service."
Oklahoma: Ground Water Irrigation, undated
Item — Folder: 1
Identifier: CAC_CC_031_14_0000_1_50
Scope and Contents
Map of Oklahoma indicating by county the number of acres irrigated from ground water. Also indicated on the map are the areas of the Arkansas River Basin and the Red River Basin.
Grand River Dam Authority - Digitized , 1951
Item — Folder: 1
Identifier: CAC_CC_031_14_0000_1_2
Scope and Contents
Oklahoma Oridance Works (O.O.W.) Area Map. Proposed site for Midwest Carbide Plant is hand-shaded in red. The Plant moved in to Pryor in 1958 and was described as a "large calcium carbide plant".
More information about the O.O.W. can be found at the Oklahoma Historical Society Encyclopedia
More information about the O.O.W. can be found at the Oklahoma Historical Society Encyclopedia
Crosstown Route, Tulsa Metropolitan Area, Tulsa County, 1961 December 15
Item — Folder: 1
Identifier: CAC_CC_031_14_0000_1_19
Scope and Contents
Detailed site plan with subdivisions labeled, landscaping planned, sections, townships, and ranges labeled. Date of photography 1958 April.
Authorized and Proposed Urban Highways, Oklahoma City Area - Digitized, 1953 February
Item — Folder: 1
Identifier: CAC_CC_031_14_0000_1_22
Scope and Contents
Map was originally enclosed with a letter dating 1959 February 4 from Stanley Draper, Oklahoma City Chamber of Commerce, to Don McBride, Office of Robert S. Kerr. Map encompasses the Oklahoma City area Expressway System. Annotated in red is the Interstate sections of the System. The extension of the Interstate System connecting the Tinker area with the Will Rogers Field and the Crosstown Expressway (Interstate 40) is shaded in green.State of Oklahoma Department of Highways -...
Prue Village Addition - Digitized, 1958 June
Item — Folder: 1
Identifier: CAC_CC_031_14_0000_1_36
Scope and Contents
Prue Village Additon - Osage County, Oklahoma
Created by Shibley-Lane Engineering, Company, 1339 North Sherman, Tulsa, Oklahoma
Location: Being situated in the NW 1/4 of the NW 1/4, of Section 5, T-20-N, R-10-E, Osage County, Oklahoma.
Location: Being situated in the NW 1/4 of the NW 1/4, of Section 5, T-20-N, R-10-E, Osage County, Oklahoma.
Arkansas and Red River Basins: Flood Data Tulsa District - Digitized, 1957-05-01
Item — Folder: 1
Identifier: CAC_CC_031_14_0000_1_37
Scope and Contents
Depicts the preliminary estimate of loss and benefit data for the flood of April-May 1957. Flood loss dollar amounts pertaining to projects and their completion are color-coded and stamped on the map. Limits of flood data are marked with blue lines. There is a numbered index of 58 authorized projects, which are labeled on the map.