Box 2
Contains 286 Collections and/or Records:
H. R. 7655: "To require that general appropriation Acts provide funds for a period of two fiscal years, and for other purposes" (WGS). Eighty- second Congress; Second Session, 1952
Item — Box: 2, Folder: 73
Identifier: CAC_CC_050_1.3_2_73_2
Scope and Contents
Draft. Introduced print.
H. R. 7888: "To amend the Legislative Reorganization Act of 1945 to provide fore more effective evaluation of the fiscal requirements of the executive agencies of the Government of the United States" (William Colmer - Mississippi). Eighty-second Congress; Second Session, 1952
Item — Box: 2, Folder: 73
Identifier: CAC_CC_050_1.3_2_73_3
Scope and Contents
Committee on Rules.
Speech: WGS: Extension of Remarks: "Two Year Appropriations", 1952
Item — Box: 2, Folder: 73
Identifier: CAC_CC_050_1.3_2_73_4
Scope and Contents
re H. R. 7655. Typescript; rough draft with handwritten emendations and carbon of later draft.
Data re "Annual and Biennial Appropriations in the States."
Item — Box: 2, Folder: 73
Identifier: CAC_CC_050_1.3_2_73_5
Scope and Contents
This series spans the entire period of Stigler's congressional career, contains 3.3 cubic feet of documents, and is divided into two subseries. The general subseries contains bills introduced by Stigler and others, correspondence, clippings, speeches by Stigler and others, pamphlets, copies of the Congressional Record, and Stigler's voting record for the 78th to 81st Congresses. Many of Stigler's bills cover Indian topics; there are also several privates bills. These files are arranged by...
Hearings: "Investigation, Disposition of Surplus Property. Part 4. Hearings on Disposal of Steam Generating Plant at Oklahoma Ordnance Works, Chouteau, Oklahoma." Surplus Property Subcommittee of the Committee on Expenditures in the Executive Departments. Eightieth Congress, 1947
Item — Box: 2, Folder: 75
Identifier: CAC_CC_050_1.3_2_75_1
Scope and Contents
This series spans the entire period of Stigler's congressional career, contains 3.3 cubic feet of documents, and is divided into two subseries. The general subseries contains bills introduced by Stigler and others, correspondence, clippings, speeches by Stigler and others, pamphlets, copies of the Congressional Record, and Stigler's voting record for the 78th to 81st Congresses. Many of Stigler's bills cover Indian topics; there are also several privates bills. These files are arranged by...
House Report 1250: "Investigation of the Disposition of a Steam- Power-Generating Plant at Oklahoma Ordnance Works Near Chouteau, Oklahoma." Committee on Expenditures in the Executive Departments. Eightieth Congress, 1948
Item — Box: 2, Folder: 75
Identifier: CAC_CC_050_1.3_2_75_2
Scope and Contents
This series spans the entire period of Stigler's congressional career, contains 3.3 cubic feet of documents, and is divided into two subseries. The general subseries contains bills introduced by Stigler and others, correspondence, clippings, speeches by Stigler and others, pamphlets, copies of the Congressional Record, and Stigler's voting record for the 78th to 81st Congresses. Many of Stigler's bills cover Indian topics; there are also several privates bills. These files are arranged by...
Miscellaneous data: Public Service Company of Oklahoma, re proposed sale. All are mimeographed copies of the originals. Includes: Letter of transmittal; "Statement of R. K. Lane, President of ... ."; "Questions on Sales Involved in Oklahoma Ordnance Works Plant Bids", 1947
Item — Box: 2, Folder: 75
Identifier: CAC_CC_050_1.3_2_75_3
Scope and Contents
Letter of E. H. Moore, U. S. Senator, Oklahoma, to Robert M. Littlejohn, Administrator, War Assets Administration, re sale (October 29, 1947); "Statement of George B. Schwabe, Representative from the First Congressional District of Oklahoma, Before the Board of Review of the War Assets Administration"; "Statement of Glen D. Johnson, Representative, Fourth Congressional District of Oklahoma."
Correspondence, 1950
Item — Box: 2, Folder: 76
Identifier: CAC_CC_050_1.3_2_76_1
S. 2008: "To consolidate certain hospital, medical, and public health functions of the Government in a United Medical Administration" (Elbert D. Thomas - Utah). Eighty-first Congress; First Session, 1949
Item — Box: 2, Folder: 76
Identifier: CAC_CC_050_1.3_2_76_2
Scope and Contents
Committee on Labor and Public Welfare.
Correspondence and clippings re various flood control projects in Oklahoma. Correspondents include Newt R. Graham.
Item — Box: 2, Folder: 79
Identifier: CAC_CC_050_1.3_2_79_1
Scope and Contents
This series spans the entire period of Stigler's congressional career, contains 3.3 cubic feet of documents, and is divided into two subseries. The general subseries contains bills introduced by Stigler and others, correspondence, clippings, speeches by Stigler and others, pamphlets, copies of the Congressional Record, and Stigler's voting record for the 78th to 81st Congresses. Many of Stigler's bills cover Indian topics; there are also several privates bills. These files are arranged by...