Box 9
Contains 84 Collections and/or Records:
H. R. 9: To encourage the establishment of voluntary pension plans by individuals. Bill by Thomas A. Jenkins (Ohio). (House).
Item — Box: 9, Folder: 4
Identifier: CAC_CC_056_3_9_4_2
Scope and Contents
Including 2 cubic feet of material, the legislative series is arranged alphabetically by committee name and contains correspondence, bills, and reports. Prominent subjects in this series include agriculture legislation and federal aid to Oklahoma education.
H. R. 10: To encourage the establishment of voluntary pension plans by individuals. Bill by Eugene J. Keough (New York). (House).
Item — Box: 9, Folder: 4
Identifier: CAC_CC_056_3_9_4_3
Scope and Contents
Including 2 cubic feet of material, the legislative series is arranged alphabetically by committee name and contains correspondence, bills, and reports. Prominent subjects in this series include agriculture legislation and federal aid to Oklahoma education.
Correspondence. topics include: Opposition to H. R. 7225 because it would require greatly increased medical services; request for copy of proposed amendment to the Social Security Law.
Item — Box: 9, Folder: 5
Identifier: CAC_CC_056_3_9_5_1
Scope and Contents
Including 2 cubic feet of material, the legislative series is arranged alphabetically by committee name and contains correspondence, bills, and reports. Prominent subjects in this series include agriculture legislation and federal aid to Oklahoma education.
H. R. 7225: To amend title II of the Social Security Act to provide disability insurance benefits for certain disabled individuals who have attained age fifty, to reduce to age sixty-two the age on the basis of which benefits are payable to certain women, to provide for continuation of child's insurance benefits for children who are disabled before attaining age eighteen, to extend coverage, and for other purposes. Bill by Jere Cooper (Tennessee). (House Ways and Means Com. and Sen. Finance).
Item — Box: 9, Folder: 5
Identifier: CAC_CC_056_3_9_5_2
Scope and Contents
Including 2 cubic feet of material, the legislative series is arranged alphabetically by committee name and contains correspondence, bills, and reports. Prominent subjects in this series include agriculture legislation and federal aid to Oklahoma education.
Correspondence. Topics include: belief that H. R. 5550 is an approval of GATT and strongly object to elected representatives passing on that matter without adequate hearings and study; urge opposition to H. R. 5550.
Item — Box: 9, Folder: 6
Identifier: CAC_CC_056_3_9_6_1
Scope and Contents
Including 2 cubic feet of material, the legislative series is arranged alphabetically by committee name and contains correspondence, bills, and reports. Prominent subjects in this series include agriculture legislation and federal aid to Oklahoma education.
Memorandum: Department of Commerce (1956). Memorandum for the Cabinet, the facts about OTC - The Organization For Trade Cooperation.
Item — Box: 9, Folder: 6
Identifier: CAC_CC_056_3_9_6_2
Scope and Contents
Including 2 cubic feet of material, the legislative series is arranged alphabetically by committee name and contains correspondence, bills, and reports. Prominent subjects in this series include agriculture legislation and federal aid to Oklahoma education.
Report: The Association of the Bar of the City of New York (1956). The Constitutionality of American Participation in the Proposed Organization for Trade Cooperation (OTC) and in the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT).
Item — Box: 9, Folder: 6
Identifier: CAC_CC_056_3_9_6_3
Scope and Contents
Including 2 cubic feet of material, the legislative series is arranged alphabetically by committee name and contains correspondence, bills, and reports. Prominent subjects in this series include agriculture legislation and federal aid to Oklahoma education.
Leaflets: Independent Petroleum Association of America concerning oil imports.
Item — Box: 9, Folder: 6
Identifier: CAC_CC_056_3_9_6_4
Scope and Contents
Including 2 cubic feet of material, the legislative series is arranged alphabetically by committee name and contains correspondence, bills, and reports. Prominent subjects in this series include agriculture legislation and federal aid to Oklahoma education.
Statement of: Charlton H. Lyons, President Independent Petroleum Association of America (1953). "On the Extension of the Trade Agreements Act Before the House Ways and Means Committee."
Item — Box: 9, Folder: 6
Identifier: CAC_CC_056_3_9_6_5
Scope and Contents
Including 2 cubic feet of material, the legislative series is arranged alphabetically by committee name and contains correspondence, bills, and reports. Prominent subjects in this series include agriculture legislation and federal aid to Oklahoma education.
Statement of: H. B. Fell, Executive Vice President Independent Petroleum Association of America (1953). "On the extension of the Trade Agreements Act Before the House Ways and Means Committee."
Item — Box: 9, Folder: 6
Identifier: CAC_CC_056_3_9_6_6
Scope and Contents
Including 2 cubic feet of material, the legislative series is arranged alphabetically by committee name and contains correspondence, bills, and reports. Prominent subjects in this series include agriculture legislation and federal aid to Oklahoma education.