Box 11
Contains 114 Collections and/or Records:
Oklahoma Turnpike Authority, 1952
File — Box: 11, Folder: 31
Identifier: CAC_CC_056_7_11_31_0000
Scope and Contents
This series of 1 cubic foot is arranged alphabetically by topic and consists of assorted clippings, speeches, reprints, and personal correspondence. Also included are a few folders on the Washita River Basin Reclamation Project.
Out-of-State Industry For Western Oklahoma, 1956
File — Box: 11, Folder: 32
Identifier: CAC_CC_056_7_11_32_0000
Scope and Contents
Correspondence. Topics include: Royal Electric looking for a community wherein to locate a manufacturing plant; list of small businesses who desire to locate in southwestern Oklahoma.
Private Correspondence/Writings, 1961-1956
File — Box: 11, Folder: 33
Identifier: CAC_CC_056_7_11_33_0000
Scope and Contents
This series of 1 cubic foot is arranged alphabetically by topic and consists of assorted clippings, speeches, reprints, and personal correspondence. Also included are a few folders on the Washita River Basin Reclamation Project.
Politics of Re-Election, undated, 1950, 1955
File — Box: 11, Folder: 34
Identifier: CAC_CC_056_7_11_34_0000
Scope and Contents
Correspondence. Topics include: defense of time in office and campaign; conference with Secretary of Defense Louis Johnson and Assistant Secretary Paul Griffith concerning the Korean situation; reputation of a columnist; thoughts of the past; new acreage allotments; "Duty as Seen by Lincoln"; "How Oklahoma Has Prospered Under 17 Years of National Democratic Administration"; statements on the Korean crisis; use of a helicopter for campaigning; Air Force radar device; changes in committee...
Rayburn, Sam, 1952-1955
File — Box: 11, Folder: 35
Identifier: CAC_CC_056_7_11_35_0000
Scope and Contents
Includes a variety of published materials on Speaker of the House Sam Rayburn.
Russia And N.A.T.O. Trip, 1954
File — Box: 11, Folder: 36
Identifier: CAC_CC_056_7_11_36_0000
Scope and Contents
Correspondence. Topics include: visas for various countries; proposed itinerary for Wickersham; schedule going to and from Russia; question about whether committee will pay expenses; list on clothing to take on trip to Russia; request for funds from the Department of State for Russian and N.A.T.O. countries trip; request to use counterpart funds in accordance with the provisions of Section 502 (b) of the Mutual Security Act of 1954; notes.
Item — Box: 11, Folder: 1
Identifier: CAC_CC_056_6_11_1_1
Scope and Contents
A small series of 0.3 cubic feet, this material is concerned with legislation sponsored by Wickersham
H. R. 8465: To amend the Agricultural Act of 1949 to provide a limitation on the downward adjustment of price supports for milk and butterfat and the products of milk and butterfat. by Mr. Wickersham.
Item — Box: 11, Folder: 1
Identifier: CAC_CC_056_6_11_1_2
Scope and Contents
A small series of 0.3 cubic feet, this material is concerned with legislation sponsored by Wickersham
Correspondence. Topics include: request for report on H. R. 1096 introduced by Wickersham; reference to the status of H. R. 5794; H. R. 3814, urging favorable enactment of legislation which would provide for a 10 percent increase in the wages of postal employees; vocational education; vocational rehabilitation; statement to the Judiciary Committee; support for clergy receiving reduced fares on airlines; H. R. 306 re railroad retirement; H.J. Res. 181 to grant the state of Oklahoma consent to sue the United States in the United States Court of Claims; H.R. 965; report relative to H.R. 964, for the relief of Joyce Aitcheson Lock; floor amendment to the Department of Commerce appropriation bill; Department of Defense comments of H. R. 5799; reports on H. R. 303, to extend the watershed program authorized in section 13 of the Flood Control Act of December 22,1944; H. R. 348 and H. R. 496, referred to the Research and Extension Subcommittee; request report from the Interior Department on H. R. 1518; Kerr-Monroney-Wickersham Bill; notice of adverse report on H. R. 6479; request for political donations; notice of hearing on H. R. 967 by Committee on the Judiciary.
Item — Box: 11, Folder: 2
Identifier: CAC_CC_056_6_11_2_1
Scope and Contents
A small series of 0.3 cubic feet, this material is concerned with legislation sponsored by Wickersham
Rules of Procedure; Committee on the Judiciary.
Item — Box: 11, Folder: 2
Identifier: CAC_CC_056_6_11_2_2
Scope and Contents
A small series of 0.3 cubic feet, this material is concerned with legislation sponsored by Wickersham