Box 23
Contains 35 Collections and/or Records:
Center for Democracy, 1992
File — Box: 23, Folder: 11
Identifier: CAC_CC_035_2_23_11_0000
Scope and Contents
This folder contains an invitation for McCurdy to join the Center for Democracy Board of Directors and a list of current members of Board of Directors. Correspondents include Peter G. Kelly.
Central America, 1983
File — Box: 23, Folder: 12
Identifier: CAC_CC_035_2_23_12_0000
Scope and Contents
Topics include McCurdy speeches on military and economic aid, prohibiting covert action by U.S. intelligence agencies, list of Central American leaders, Grenada, Struggle for Democracy in Central America (speech by George Shultz), Ronald Reagan address to joint session of Congress, text and committee report for Intelligence Authorization Act (HR 2760), Brazil, and Nicaragua.
Central America, 1984
File — Box: 23, Folder: 13
Identifier: CAC_CC_035_2_23_13_0000
Scope and Contents
Topics include Nicaragua elections, report of National Bipartisan Commission on Central America, CIA mining of Nicaragua harbors, U.S. military aid, and International Security and Cooperation Act. Correspondents include Democratic Study Group and Ronald Reagan.
Chair Term Limits, 1991-1992
File — Box: 23, Folder: 14
Identifier: CAC_CC_035_2_23_14_0000
Scope and Contents
Topics include memo about current committee chairmen, Congressional Despots Then and Now (essay), House reform, McCurdy talking points, appointment of committee chairs by Speaker of the House, and McCurdy letter to incoming freshmen members of congress. Correspondents include Fred Barnes, E. Clay Shaw Jr., Martin Sabo, Michael Andrews, Charles Stenholm, and Dan Glickman.
Chickasha, Oklahoma, 1986-1991
File — Box: 23, Folder: 15
Identifier: CAC_CC_035_2_23_15_0000
Scope and Contents
Topics include bid for Oklahoma School of Science and Mathematics, Community Development Block Grant announcements, grant for industrial airpark, and New Bus Company. Correspondents include Oklahoma Department of Commerce, Patrick A. Brooks, and Jim D. Mason.
Crowe, Admiral William J., 1987-1993
File — Box: 23, Folder: 16
Identifier: CAC_CC_035_2_23_16_0000
Scope and Contents
Topics include list of top 200 defense contractors, Jackson Thomas Stephens, establishing William J. Crowe Jr. Chair of Geopolitics at the University of Oklahoma, list of potential donors to chair endowment, Biomedical Research Tower at University of Oklahoma Health Sciences Center, and list of donations to chair endowment. Correspondents include David Swank, Richard Van Horn, Richard R. Linn, David L. Boren, and David Busby.
C-Span Reactions, 1990-1992
File — Box: 23, Folder: 17
Identifier: CAC_CC_035_2_23_17_0000
Scope and Contents
This folder contains letters from people all over the country who had seen Dave McCurdy's appearances on C-Span.
Congressional Reform, 1991-1992
File — Box: 23, Folder: 18
Identifier: CAC_CC_035_2_23_18_0000
Scope and Contents
Topics include limiting terms of committee chairs, Speaker appointment of committee chairs, information about current House committee chairmen, Robert Michel Blueprint for House Reform, special orders, and patronage positions. Correspondents include Mainstream Forum, Gene Taylor, Joel Hefley, George E. Brown Jr., Curt Weldon, and Rob Andrews.
Congressional Reform, 1993
File — Box: 23, Folder: 19
Identifier: CAC_CC_035_2_23_19_0000
Scope and Contents
Topics include Joint Committee on the Organization of Congress, Operations of the Congress: Testimony of Current Representatives on the Structure of the House of Representatives (text of hearings), transcript of McCurdy testimony before Joint Committee on the Organization of Congress, standing committees, appropriations, transcript of George E. Brown Jr. testimony before Joint Committee on the Organization of Congress, special orders, and Freshman Democratic Reform Package. Correspondents...
Conservative Democratic Forum House Voting Record Index, 1990
File — Box: 23, Folder: 20
Identifier: CAC_CC_035_2_23_20_0000
Scope and Contents
Correspondents include Charles W. Stenholm.