Climate control archival storage 1
Contains 355 Collections and/or Records:
Signed - Ruppersberger, Charles Albert, Dutch, 1994-01-01 - 1994
Item — Climate Control Archival Storage: 1
Identifier: PCC - VC07564 - 61536
Scope and Contents
VO, opp promised not to raised taxes, still, news article. Opp still with his signature below, text. Says to stop broken promises. Flips to text, opp's still & flip flops.; Notes:
Nation: United States of America
State: Maryland
Party: Democratic
Nation: United States of America
State: Maryland
Party: Democratic
Heard - Ruppersberger, Charles Albert, Dutch, 1994-01-01 - 1994
Item — Climate Control Archival Storage: 1
Identifier: PCC - VC07564 - 61537
Scope and Contents
VO opp excerpt doc. Opp on one side, elderly woman, says he broke his pledge to srs. Opp cut programs for sr citizens. Opp's still & falling dollar bills. Critizing opp, opp still.; Notes:
Nation: United States of America
State: Maryland
Party: Democratic
Nation: United States of America
State: Maryland
Party: Democratic
The Facts - Hayden, Roger, 1994-01-01 - 1994
Item — Climate Control Archival Storage: 1
Identifier: PCC - VC07564 - 61554
Scope and Contents
Voice over text says candidate would like viewer to know facts. government is smaller, more efficient, budget growth is low & more cops on streets. More text says opponent ads were funded by special interests. candidate tag with footage of him. Closes with neg reference to opponent; Notes:
Nation: United States of America
State: Maryland
Party: Republican
Nation: United States of America
State: Maryland
Party: Republican
#1 Rev. - Anzaldo, Sebastian, Subby, 1994-01-01 - 1994
Item — Climate Control Archival Storage: 1
Identifier: PCC - VC06294 - 61755
Scope and Contents
Opens with footage of candidate at desk, sponsor tag, VO says candidate is only choice for office. Fade to series of candidate in action-VO says lived in Omaha whole life, served as city council president and intern mayor, knows city and has helped development; Notes:
Nation: United States of America
State: Nebraska
Party: Other
Nation: United States of America
State: Nebraska
Party: Other
#2-Rev. - Anzaldo, Sebastian, Subby, 1994-01-01 - 1994
Item — Climate Control Archival Storage: 1
Identifier: PCC - VC06294 - 61756
Scope and Contents
Opens with candidate introducing self as intern mayor, sponsor tag supered. Fade to candidate shaking hands with2 constituents by mall-says in VO that he's proud of his record of service to community-cut to candidate at podium, pan back-VO says a lot accomplished in past; Notes:
Nation: United States of America
State: Nebraska
Party: Other
Nation: United States of America
State: Nebraska
Party: Other
#2 - Anzaldo, Sebastian, Subby, 1994-01-01 - 1994
Item — Climate Control Archival Storage: 1
Identifier: PCC - VC06294 - 61789
Scope and Contents
Opens with 3/4 shot outdoors of candidate-introduces self as intern mayor-sponsor tag at bottom image has black border top and bottom. Format and sponsor tag maintained to cut to a mall-pan down to candidate shaking hands withcouple-candidate VO says Omaha is his hometown; Notes:
Nation: United States of America
State: Nebraska
Party: Other
Nation: United States of America
State: Nebraska
Party: Other
Respect - Daub, Harold John, Hal, Jr., 1994-01-01 - 1994
Item — Climate Control Archival Storage: 1
Identifier: PCC - VC06294 - 61813
Scope and Contents
The ad has scenes of candidate interacting & introducing self. candidate speaks to camera, saying he has adequate experience on how to act towards the betterment of Omaha, by being a businessman & a representative.; Notes:
Nation: United States of America
State: Nebraska
Party: Republican
Nation: United States of America
State: Nebraska
Party: Republican
Respect - Daub, Harold John, Hal, Jr., 1994-01-01 - 1994
Item — Climate Control Archival Storage: 1
Identifier: PCC - VC06294 - 61814
Scope and Contents
Voice over candidate will solve problems, promote city, candidate says business man, experience.; Notes:
Nation: United States of America
State: Nebraska
Party: Republican
Nation: United States of America
State: Nebraska
Party: Republican
Crime - Daub, Harold John, Hal, Jr., 1994-01-01 - 1994
Item — Climate Control Archival Storage: 1
Identifier: PCC - VC06294 - 61815
Scope and Contents
Scene of a dark area in a city giving crime statistics at the bottom- 3,000+ cars stolen in Omaha ina year, three murders in a week, & 60% of Omahans fear crime in their own homes. Daub plans anti-crime program,youth programs,Law enforcement needs support; Notes:
Nation: United States of America
State: Nebraska
Party: Republican
Nation: United States of America
State: Nebraska
Party: Republican
#1 - Anzaldo, Sebastian, Subby, 1994-01-01 - 1994
Item — Climate Control Archival Storage: 1
Identifier: PCC - VC06294 - 61817
Scope and Contents
Slogan Trusted Leadership for Omaha. The ad begins with Anzaldo at a desk and then moves to him introducing himself to people in the city. The ad talks about his background as City Council President and intern mayor; Notes:
Nation: United States of America
State: Nebraska
Party: Other
Nation: United States of America
State: Nebraska
Party: Other