Climate control archival storage 1
Contains 344 Collections and/or Records:
Taxes - Epton, Bernard, 1983-03-25 - 1983
Item — Climate Control Archival Storage: 1
Identifier: PCC - A2462 - 211232
Scope and Contents
candidate says there are serious financial problems, increasing taxes is not the answer, must institute sound practices to control costs, save money on overtime costs, limit use of consultants, will create City Auditor, crack down on waste and inefficiency.; Notes:1/4 audio at 7.5 ips Chicago Mayor
Nation: United States of America
State: Illinois
Party: Republican
Nation: United States of America
State: Illinois
Party: Republican
Crime - Epton, Bernard, 1983-03-25 - 1983
Item — Climate Control Archival Storage: 1
Identifier: PCC - A2462 - 211233
Scope and Contents
candidate says crime effects every citizen, causes businesses and citizens to leave, will expand police dept committees, get more officers, skilled units to deal with crime, increase amount of police and fire fighter life insurance.; Notes:1/4 audio at 7.5 ips Chicago Mayor
Nation: United States of America
State: Illinois
Party: Republican
Nation: United States of America
State: Illinois
Party: Republican
Jobs - Epton, Bernard, 1983-03-25 - 1983
Item — Climate Control Archival Storage: 1
Identifier: PCC - A2462 - 211234
Scope and Contents
candidate says there is no higher priority than the restoration of the economy, will create an independent economic development corporation, will inventory offices and warehouses, provide information on labor, will create jobs, recruit business.; Notes:1/4 audio at 7.5 ips Chicago Mayor
Nation: United States of America
State: Illinois
Party: Republican
Nation: United States of America
State: Illinois
Party: Republican
Services - Washington, Harold, 1983-03-18 - 1983
Item — Climate Control Archival Storage: 1
Identifier: PCC - A3983 - 214147
Scope and Contents
Ad says no part of the city'll suffer at the expanse of an other, says candidate'll create a program for this issue, says people'll see improvements in different ways as city workers won't be used for political favors.; Notes:
Nation: United States of America
State: Illinois
Party: Democratic
Nation: United States of America
State: Illinois
Party: Democratic
Endorsements - Washington, Harold, 1983-03-18 - 1983
Item — Climate Control Archival Storage: 1
Identifier: PCC - A3983 - 214148
Scope and Contents
Ad gives a list of newspapers and organizations endorsing candidate, says people are standing up for the democratic process next to candidate, says opponents base their campn on disunity and negativism.; Notes:List of endorsements in the background
Nation: United States of America
State: Illinois
Party: Democratic
Nation: United States of America
State: Illinois
Party: Democratic
I've decided - Washington, Harold, 1983-01-01 - 1983
Item — Climate Control Archival Storage: 1
Identifier: PCC - A3984 - 214149
Scope and Contents
Woman says she decided to vote for candidate because she's impressed by his team, says it represents all ethnic and racial backgrounds, says it's a proof that candidate lives up to his promise of bringing talent in Chicago, says candidate'll unite the city.; Notes:Woman talks
Nation: United States of America
State: Illinois
Party: Democratic
Nation: United States of America
State: Illinois
Party: Democratic
The real truth - Washington, Harold, 1983-01-01 - 1983
Item — Climate Control Archival Storage: 1
Identifier: PCC - A3984 - 214150
Scope and Contents
Ad says opponent's mud slinging distorted the truth on candidate's past, says candidate paid his taxes but failed to file, says he barely owed anything, says opponent misled the people.; Notes:
Nation: United States of America
State: Illinois
Party: Democratic
Nation: United States of America
State: Illinois
Party: Democratic
This week - Washington, Harold, 1983-01-01 - 1983
Item — Climate Control Archival Storage: 1
Identifier: PCC - A3984 - 214151
Scope and Contents
Ad says candidate's team's ready contrary to opponent, says candidate's team represents all races found in Chicago, says opponent calls candidate a felon.; Notes:
Nation: United States of America
State: Illinois
Party: Democratic
Nation: United States of America
State: Illinois
Party: Democratic
Over and over - Washington, Harold, 1983-01-01 - 1983
Item — Climate Control Archival Storage: 1
Identifier: PCC - A3985 - 214152
Scope and Contents
candidate says everywhere in Chicago people are concerned by jobs, says now people have the choice between the Reaganomics or the Democratic Party who's not on the side of big businesses.; Notes:Cand talks
Nation: United States of America
State: Illinois
Party: Democratic
Nation: United States of America
State: Illinois
Party: Democratic
Humphrey - Washington, Harold, 1983-01-01 - 1983
Item — Climate Control Archival Storage: 1
Identifier: PCC - A3985 - 214153
Scope and Contents
candidate says opponent quoted Humphrey saying the government should take care of children, seniors, poor and disabled, says opponent's record shows the contrary as he's against free meals for students, funding for day care, seniors, education for disabled.; Notes:Cand talks
Nation: United States of America
State: Illinois
Party: Democratic
Nation: United States of America
State: Illinois
Party: Democratic