Climate control archival storage 1
Contains 4 Collections and/or Records:
Wants Your Vote - Bauernschmidt, Charles, 1981-01-01 - 1981
Item — Climate Control Archival Storage: 1
Identifier: PCC - A0799 - 22830
Scope and Contents
Nation: United States of America
State: Ohio
Party: Other
State: Ohio
Party: Other
A Good Judge - Parrish, Clarence R., 1981-01-01 - 1981
Item — Climate Control Archival Storage: 1
Identifier: PCC - V02084 - 13942
Scope and Contents
voiceover Clarence Parrish qualified by those respecting law, endorsed by Milwaukee Bar Association, lawyer, judicial commissioner, judge; Notes:
Nation: United States of America
State: Wisconsin
Party: Other
Nation: United States of America
State: Wisconsin
Party: Other
Sid Gray for Judge - 1 - Gray, Sid, 1981-01-01 - 1981
Item — Climate Control Archival Storage: 1
Identifier: PCC - V02087 - 13945
Scope and Contents
voiceover Sid Gray, successful trial lawyer, knows needs of community, Sid Gray says courts have become too lenient on repeat offenders, needs vote; Notes:
Nation: United States of America
State: Wisconsin
Party: Other
Nation: United States of America
State: Wisconsin
Party: Other
Sid Gray for Judge - 2 - Gray, Sid, 1981-01-01 - 1981
Item — Climate Control Archival Storage: 1
Identifier: PCC - V02087 - 13946
Scope and Contents
Sid Gray on courts being lenient, vote for me; Notes:
Nation: United States of America
State: Wisconsin
Party: Other
Nation: United States of America
State: Wisconsin
Party: Other