Climate control archival storage 1
Contains 209 Collections and/or Records:
Re-elect Donnelly - Donnelly, John J., 1990-09-21 - 1990
Item — Climate Control Archival Storage: 1
Identifier: PCC - VC01947 - 48520
Scope and Contents
Anncr. voiceover image of gavel spinning on screen, hitting down three times, then color still of cand. w/logo; message is thatcand. has been on bench for ten years, made fair judgements; Notes:
Nation: United States of America
State: Ohio
Party: Democratic
Nation: United States of America
State: Ohio
Party: Democratic
Right (revised) - Sogg, Linda Rocker, 1990-10-24 - 1990
Item — Climate Control Archival Storage: 1
Identifier: PCC - VC01947 - 48522
Scope and Contents
Cand. in judge's robe, MS, edge of desk, talks about rights tosafe community and justice; anncr. voiceover text, stills, describescand. then footage of cand. on bench, endorsements scroll overcand. says she's committed to law, logo, anncr. tag; Notes:
Nation: United States of America
State: Ohio
Party: Other
Nation: United States of America
State: Ohio
Party: Other
And Justice For All - Douglas, Andrew, Andy, 1990-10-10 - 1990
Item — Climate Control Archival Storage: 1
Identifier: PCC - VC01947 - 48526
Scope and Contents
Shot of kids saying pledge of alligiance. VO shot of cand on bench, then putting copy of constitution in pocket. Shot of supreme court bldg. Candidate exiting, firefighters, teacher, laborer speak for cand. Logo, tag on last shot of cand.; Notes:
Nation: United States of America
State: Ohio
Party: Other
Nation: United States of America
State: Ohio
Party: Other
Court Is In Order - O'Donnell, Terrence, 1990-10-23 - 1990
Item — Climate Control Archival Storage: 1
Identifier: PCC - VC01947 - 48537
Scope and Contents
Anncr. v.o footage of cand. on bench, names of endorsing organizations scroll over; then cand. at desk, at bookshelf; voiceover talks about cand.'s qualities, color stills, logo at end, anncr. tag; Notes:
Nation: United States of America
State: Ohio
Party: Republican
Nation: United States of America
State: Ohio
Party: Republican
Re-elect Judge Richard McMonagle - McMonagle, Richard (Richard J.), 1990-01-01 - 1990
Item — Climate Control Archival Storage: 1
Identifier: PCC - VC01948 - 48544
Scope and Contents
VO logo intro, cnad at desk speaking to someone off camera about judges being available to public, resolving matters quickly. Candidate VO logo w/ endorsements, cand speaking about impartiality, logo, female anncr. Tag.; Notes:
Nation: United States of America
State: Ohio
Party: Other
Nation: United States of America
State: Ohio
Party: Other
Weaver for Judge - Weaver, Clark, 1990-10-18 - 1990
Item — Climate Control Archival Storage: 1
Identifier: PCC - VC01948 - 48548
Scope and Contents
Voiceover ask child what afraid of, children voiceover, gangs, drug dealers, newspaper for cand, tough on crime, public service.; Notes:
Nation: United States of America
State: Ohio
Party: Other
Nation: United States of America
State: Ohio
Party: Other
It's Time For A Change - DiEgidio, Leo Clinton, 1990-10-30 - 1990
Item — Climate Control Archival Storage: 1
Identifier: PCC - VC01948 - 48553
Scope and Contents
Female anncr. voiceover shot of little girl sitting on briefcase; says opponent gave a child molester probation; than still of cand. voiceover says he'll put criminals in jail; sound of slamming doors.; Notes:
Nation: United States of America
State: Ohio
Party: Other
Nation: United States of America
State: Ohio
Party: Other
Judge - Spellacy, Leo (Leo Michael), 1990-10-23 - 1990
Item — Climate Control Archival Storage: 1
Identifier: PCC - VC01948 - 48554
Scope and Contents
cand speaks then VO video of cand works describes cand's career, qualities, endorsements scroll over court room shot. Candidate w/ family, then on bench, shot frozen, pulled back in window, logo added, tag.; Notes:
Nation: United States of America
State: Ohio
Party: Other
Nation: United States of America
State: Ohio
Party: Other
90151 Judge - DeRocco, Gary Don, 1990-10-22 - 1990
Item — Climate Control Archival Storage: 1
Identifier: PCC - VC01948 - 48555
Scope and Contents
Cand. in MS, seated, name captioned, speaks to camera, gives experience, qualifications, asks for vote; last shot pulled inwindow, logo, sponsor captioned; Notes:
Nation: United States of America
State: Ohio
Party: Other
Nation: United States of America
State: Ohio
Party: Other
Spot 1 - Calabrese, Anthony O., 1990-01-01 - 1990
Item — Climate Control Archival Storage: 1
Identifier: PCC - VC01948 - 48561
Scope and Contents
Female anncr VO hallway, then empty courtroom, tells cand's experience as attourney, in state legislature; camera zooms in and out, changes angles, roll focus to gavel on bench, back to wide angle zooming in; VO continues throughout w/cand's qualification; Notes:
Nation: United States of America
State: Ohio
Party: Other
Nation: United States of America
State: Ohio
Party: Other