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Showing Collections: 51 - 60 of 92

James V. McClintic Collection

Identifier: CAC-CC-034
Scope and Contents The McClintic Collection is slightly more than 1 linear foot of material, but it covers four decades in Oklahoma history. With correspondence, clippings, speeches, campaign materials, and subject files from a variety of different elected offices, McClintic’s collection provides an unique, abbreviate glance at the life of an elected official from Oklahoma. Of particular note are McClintic’s accounts about the trips he took as a congressman, including a trip in 1919 to post-war Europe and a 1925...

Dave McCurdy Collection

Identifier: CAC-CC-035
Scope and Contents Legislative Files: This series contains substantial material on the following topics: agriculture, savings and loan banking and bank failures, federal budget cuts, charter schools, impact aid, foreign affairs, abortion, crime control, gun control including the Brady Bill, superconductivity, taxes, and veterans affairs. Some topics are especially well-represented. There is a wealth of defense issue topics, including the Air Force, Army Caucus, defense authorizations, defense...

John McFall Collection

Identifier: CAC-CC-2017-1
Content Description Contains materials obtained or created by McFall and his staff during the time he represented California in the U.S. Congress. Includes twenty-two years of on California Congressman's correspondence, speeches, legislation, and related committee work. McFall's particular interests included agriculture, military affairs and constituent casework.

Bird S. McGuire Collection

Identifier: CAC-CC-036
Scope and Contents The McGuire Collection consists of only six folders containing personal correspondence from 1903-1909. The majority of correspondence is with D.L. Larsh, chair of the Republican Central Committee of Cleveland County, Oklahoma, and secretary of the Board of Regents of the University of Oklahoma. Topics are for the most part limited to private pension bills, local appointments to postmaster and marshal, construction of a bridge across the South Canadian River, and a land grant for the University...

Thomas D. McKeown Collection

Identifier: CAC-CC-037
Scope and Contents A fragmentary collection of 0.5 cubic feet encompassing the dates 1900-1934, these papers are comprised of speeches and addresses, newspaper clippings, scrapbooks, bill texts, but there is practically no correspondence. Some of these materials, such as certain speeches and all of the bills, can be found in other congressional sources. Although the bulk of the material covers the periods that McKeown was a representative, little information is provided. Among the subjects documented are...

John M. Meek Collection

Identifier: CAC-PP-068
Scope and Contents The John M. Meek Collection is a small collection which includes material on aspects of the organization of the 1968 Democratic National Convention, from hotel accommodations to first aid and security to requests from committees and entertainers to appear at the convention. While there is a copy of the proceedings of the convention, there is little else in the papers that relates to the event as it occurred. Most materials concern preliminary preparations for the convention. A small photograph...

Jim Monroe Collection

Identifier: CAC-PP-069
Scope and Contents This collection documents Monroe's work with Senator Harris. Topics include the Democratic Party at both the national and state levels, national and state political campaigns, and the presidential elections of 1968 and 1972. There is considerable material on Harris's quest for the presidency in 1972. In addition, there is material on LaDonna Harris, the senator's first wife and longtime Native American activist.

A. S. "Mike" Monroney Collection

Identifier: CAC-CC-038
Scope and Contents The Monroney Collection is 98 linear feet in addition to audio-visual and oversize materials. Although Mike Monroney was in Congress from 1938 to 1968, his collection has very little material from many of his years of service. In 1973, the National Archives destroyed over 90 percent of his early papers. The bulk of the surviving collection is from the years 1962-1968. For the most part, the series divisions demonstrate what topics the collection covers.

Dick T. Morgan Collection

Identifier: CAC-CC-039
Scope and Contents The Morgan Collection, of more than 10 cubic feet and primarily covering the period 1880-1920, contains numerous series: Family and Personal Correspondence; Political and Business Correspondence; Subject Files; Speeches (chronological arrangement); Speeches (alphabetical arrangement by subject); Congressional Bills and Publications; Religious Material; Cards, Invitations, Memorabilia, Pamphlets, Programs, Travelogues, etc.; Scrapbooks and Bound Materials, Clippings and Miscellany; and Outsized....

Toby Morris Collection

Identifier: CAC-CC-040
Scope and Contents The Morris Collection is quite complete, encompassing materials from all five of his terms in office. Morris gave this collection to the University of Oklahoma over a period of years beginning in 1952. Consisting of 53 cubic feet of material, the collection covers the period 1946-1960. It is strongest on subjects of a local concern to western Oklahoma. Among the items found in the collection are correspondence, bills, publications, clippings, and photographs. An additional donation was made to...

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  • Repository: Carl Albert Center Congressional and Political Collections X

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Indians of North America--Government relations 21
Agriculture and state--United States 20
Education and state--United States 19
Political campaigns--United States 18
Taxation--Law and legislation--United States 18
∨ more
United States--Appropriations and expenditures 16
United States--Commerce 16
Veterans--Legal status, laws, etc. --United States 15
Medical care--Law and legislation--United States 14
Labor laws and legislation--United States 13
Petroleum industry and trade--Government policy--United States 13
Indians of North America--Land tenure--United States 12
Social security--Law and legislation--United States 12
United States--Armed Forces 12
Water resources development--Law and legislation--United States 12
United States--Foreign relations 11
World War, 1939-1945 11
Education and state--United States--Finance 10
Indians of North America--Claims 10
Political conventions--United States 10
World War, 1914-1918 9
Health insurance--Law and legislation--United States 8
Indians of North America--Health and Hygiene--Law and legislation 8
International relief--United States 8
Land use--Law and legislation--United States 8
Indians of North America--Education--Government Policy--United States 7
Labor unions--United States 7
United States. Department of Defense--Appropriations and expenditures 7
Aeronautics, Commercial--United States 6
Civil rights--United States 6
Clinton, Bill, 1946---Inauguration, 1993 6
Political campaigns--Oklahoma 6
Water--Law and legislation--United States 6
Banks and banking--United States 5
Civil service--United States 5
Energy policy--Environmental aspects--United States 5
Energy policy--United States 5
Housing--Law and legislation--United States 5
Indians of North America--Legal status, laws, etc. 5
National security--Law and legislation--United States 5
Public welfare administration--Law and legislation--United States 5
United States. Air Force. 5
United States. Veterans Administration 5
Astronautics and state--United States 4
Campaign funds--United States 4
Flood control--United States 4
Health care reform--United States 4
Press and politics--Oklahoma 4
Republican Party (U.S. : 1854-) 4
Agricultural conservation--Soil Conservation 3
Bankruptcy--United States 3
Basic training (Military education)--United States 3
Conservation of natural resources--Law and legislation--United States 3
Courts--United States 3
Courts--United States--Cases 3
Democratic Party (U.S.) 3
Education, Higher--United States 3
Indians of North America--Taxation--Law and legislation 3
International trade 3
Low-income housing--United States 3
Oklahoma. Constitution 3
Political candidates--Oklahoma 3
Public health--United States 3
Rural electrification--United States 3
Rural health--United States 3
Spanish-American War, 1898--Veterans 3
Speeches, addresses, etc. 3
Tax exemption--Law and legislation--United States 3
Taxation--Law and legislation--Oklahoma 3
Trials (Impeachment)--United States 3
United States--Rural conditions 3
Veterans--Medical care--Law and legislation--United States 3
Vietnam War, 1961-1975 3
Advertising, Political 2
Aeronautics--United States 2
Air bases--United States 2
Campaign funds--Law and legislation--United States 2
Economic development--United States 2
Education and state--Oklahoma 2
Energy conservation--Law and legislation--United States 2
Federal Reserve banks 2
Genealogy 2
Highway planning--United States 2
Homeless veterans--Housing--Law and legislation--United States 2
Indians of North America--Politics and government 2
Inflation (Finance) 2
Local elections 2
Magna Carta--Exhibitions 2
Mass media - Political Aspects 2
Military hospitals--United States 2
Military law--United States 2
Money--United States 2
Nuclear energy--Government policy--United States 2
Oklahoma--Appropriations and expenditures 2
Oklahoma--Politics and government--1907- 2
Political Campaigns 2
Political Consulting 2
Political campaign Communication 2
Postmasters--Oklahoma 2
Presidents--Succession--United States 2
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Armey, Richard K., 1940- 1
Barker, Jim L., Speaker of the Oklahoma House of Representatives (1983-1989); Oklahoma House of Representatives from the 13th district (1977-1991), 1935-2005 1
Bartlett, Dewey F., 1919-1979 1
Belcher, Page Henry, U.S. House of Representatives from Oklahoma (1951-1973), 1899-1980 1
Biemiller, Andrew J., U.S. House of Representatives from Wisconsin's 5th district, 1906-1982 1
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Boren, David L., 13th President of the University of Oklahoma (1994-2018); Chair of the President's Intelligence Advisory Board (2009-2013); United States Senator from Oklahoma (1979-1994); 21st Governor of Oklahoma (1975-1979); Oklahoma House of Represen 1
Boren, Lyle H., U.S. House of Representatives from Oklahoma's 4th district (1937-1947), 1909-1992 1
Cartwright, Wilburn, U.S. House of Representatives from Oklahoma's 3rd district, 1892-1979 1
Cohelan, Jeffery, Member of the U.S. House of Representatives from California's 7th district, 1914-1999 1
Cromley, Allan, Dean of Oklahoma newsmen in Washington, 1922-2011 1
Culver, Harry, 1923-2005 1
Disney, Wesley E. (Wesley Ernest), U.S. House of Representatives from Oklahoma's 1st district (1931-1945); Member of the Oklahoma House of Representatives (1919-1924), 1883-1961 1
Douglas, Helen Gahagan, 1900-1980 1
Edmondson, James Howard, United States Senator from Oklahoma (1963-1964); 16th Governor of Oklahoma (1959-1963), 1925-1971 1
Edwards, Mickey, 1937- 1
English, Glenn Lee, U.S. House of Representatives from Oklahoma's 6th district, 1940- 1
English, Verneil, 1936- 1
Fenwick, Millicent, United States Ambassador to the United Nations Agencies for Food and Agriculture (1983-1987); U.S. House of Representatives from New Jersey's 5th district (1975-1983); New Jersey General Assembly from the 8th district (1970-1972), 1910 1
Ferguson, Phillip C., U.S. House of Representatives from Oklahoma's 8th district (1935-1941), 1903-1978 1
Foote, Joe, Speaker Carl Albert’s press secretary; Dave McCurdy’s chief of staff, 1949- 1
Gallagher, Cornelius E., U.S. House of Representatives from New Jersey's 13th district (1959-1973), 1921-2018 1
Garber, Milton Cline, U.S. House of Representatives from Oklahoma's 8th district (1923-1933); Associate Justice of the Supreme Court of the Territory of Oklahoma and Trial Judge of the Fifth Judicial District (1906-1907), 1867-1948 1
Gassaway, P. L. (Percy Lee), U.S. House of Representatives from Oklahoma's 4th district (1935-1937), 1885-1937 1
Gore, Thomas P. (Thomas Pryor), United States Senator from Oklahoma (1907-1921); Oklahoma Territorial Senate's 11th district (1902-1905), 1870-1949 1
Harlow, Bryce Nathaniel, Former Counselor to the President of the United States (1969-1970), 1916-1987 1
Harreld, John W., United States Senator from Oklahoma (1921-1927); U.S. House of Representatives from Oklahoma's 5th district (1919-1921) (Harreld, John William), 1872-1950 1
Harris, Fred R., 32nd Chair of the Democratic National Committee (1969-1970); United States Senator from Oklahoma (1964-1973), 1930- 1
Hatch, Carl Atwood, Senior Judge of the United States District Court for the District of New Mexico (1963-1963); Chief Judge of the United States District Court for the District of New Mexico (1954-1963), 1889-1963 1
Hood, James O. III, Political Ephedra Collector 1
Horn, Stephen, U.S. House of Representatives from California's 38th district (1993-2003), 1931-2011 1
Johnson, Jed, U.S. House of Representatives from Oklahoma's 6th district (1965-1967), 1888-1963 1
Kerr, Robert S. (Robert Samuel), United States Senator from Oklahoma (1949-1963); 12th Governor of Oklahoma (1943-1947), 1896-1963 1
Largent, Steve, U.S. House of Representatives from Oklahoma's 1st district (1994-2002), 1954- 1
Lee, Josh, Secretary of the Senate Democratic Conference (1937-1943); United States Senator from Oklahoma (1937-1943); U.S. House of Representatives from Oklahoma's 5th district (1935-1937) (Lee, Joshua Bryan), 1892-1967 1
Lipinski, Daniel, "Dan", U.S. House of Representatives from Illinois's 3rd district (2005-2021), 1966- 1
McClintic, James V., U.S. House of Representatives from Oklahoma's 7th district (1915-1935); Member of the Oklahoma House of Representatives (1911), 1878-1948 1
McCurdy, Dave, Chair of the House Intelligence Committee (1991-1993); U.S. House of Representatives from Oklahoma's 4th district (1981-1995), 1950- 1
McFall, John J., House Majority Whip (1973-1977); U.S. House of Representatives from California (1957-1978), 1918-2006 1
McGuire, Bird S. (Bird Segle), U.S. House of Representatives from Oklahoma's 1st district (1907-1915); U.S. House of Representatives from Territory of Oklahoma's At-large district (1903-1907), 1865-1930 1
McKeown, Tom D. (Tom Deitz), U.S. House of Representatives from Oklahoma's 4th district (1917-1921) (1878-1951) 1
Monroney, A. S. Mike (Almer Stillwell Mike), United States Senator from Oklahoma (1951-1969); U.S. House of Representatives from Oklahoma's 5th district (1939-1951), 1902-1980 1
Morgan, Dick T. (Dick Thompson), U.S. House of Representatives from Oklahoma (1909-1920); Member of theIllinois House of Representatives (1880-1881), 1853-1920 1
Morris, Toby, U.S. House of Representatives from Oklahoma's 6th district (1947-1953; 1957-1961), 1899-1973 1
Murray, William H. (William Henry), 9th Governor of Oklahoma (1931-1935); U.S. House of Representatives from Oklahoma (1913-1917); 1st Speaker of the Oklahoma House of Representatives (1907-1909), 1869-1956 1
Nichols, John C. (John Conover), U.S. House of Representatives from Oklahoma's 2nd district (1935-1943), 1896-1945 1
Oklahoma Constitutional Revision Study Commission (1976-1992) 1
Peden, Preston E., U.S. House of Representatives from Oklahoma's 7th district (1947-1949), 1914-1985 1
Pine, William Blliss, United States Senator from Oklahoma (1925-1931), 1877-1942 1
Rothbaum, Julian J., Special Advisor on Higher Education to Governor David Walters; Board of Regents of The University of Oklahoma, 1913-2003 1
Schwabe, George Blaine, U.S. House of Representatives from Oklahoma's 1st district (1951-1952); 8th Speaker of the Oklahoma House of Representatives (1921-1923); Member of the Oklahoma House of Representatives from Nowata County (1919-1923), 1886-1952 1
Steed, Thomas Jefferson, U.S. House of Representatives from Oklahoma's 4th district (1949-1981), 1904-1983 1
Stewart, Paul, 1892-1950 1
Stigler, William Grady, U.S. House of Representatives from Oklahoma's 2nd district (1944-1952); Member of the Oklahoma Senate (1924-1932), 1891-1952 1
Synar, Michael "Mike" L., U.S. House of Representatives from Oklahoma's 2nd district (1979-1995), 1950-1996 1
Thomas, Elbert Duncan, United States Senator from Utah (1933-1951); 4th High Commissioner of the Trust Territory of the Pacific Islands (1951-1953), 1883-1953 1
Thomas, Elmer, United States Senator from Oklahoma (1927-1951); U.S. House of Representatives from Oklahoma's 6th district (1923-1927); Member of the Oklahoma Senate (1907-1920), 1876-1965 1
Unruh, Paula, Oklahoma State GOP chairperson (1975-1977), 1929-2021 1
Watts, J. C. (Julius Caesar), Chair of the House Republican Conference (1999-2003); U.S. House of Representatives from Oklahoma's 4th district (1995-2003); Oklahoma Corporation Commissioner (1991-1995), 1957- 1
Weaver, Claude, U.S. House of Representatives from Oklahoma's at-large district (1913-1915), 1867-1954 1
White, Joseph (Joe) Slade White, 1950-2021 ( 1
Wickersham, Victor Eugene, U.S. House of Representatives from Oklahoma (1941-1947), (1949-1957), (1961-1965), 1906-1988 1
Wilson, George H., Member of the U.S. House of Representatives from Oklahoma's 8th district (1949-1951), 1905-1985 1
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