"Arizonans for Fair Competition: Inventor" - Yes on Proposition 100, Arizonans for Fair Competition - [Arizona] - Ballot measures, Propositions and Issue Campaigns - 1986, 1986
Item — ColdStorage: 1
Identifier: P-1122-47703
SUMMARY: Sepia tone scene of thomas edison actor writing at desk and tinkering with light bulb as voiceover urges vote yes on proposition 100 which will enable corporation commission to regulate telephone services and enhance competition.
SUBJECTS: bureaucracy; technology
First Tuesday
FORMAT: 2" videotape
OFFICE: Ballot measures, Propositions and Issue Campaigns
NATION: United States of America
LENGTH: 00:30:00
- Broadcast: 1986
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1 Items
Repository Details
Part of the Carl Albert Center Congressional and Political Collections Repository