"Hope Renewed Version 1" - Hope Renewed Version 1 - [Democratic] - Ballot measures, Propositions and Issue Campaigns - 1992, 1992
Item — ColdStorage: 1
Identifier: P-1592-80321
SUMMARY: Medley of shots of democratic leaders like jfk and mlk flash on screen, intercut with words hope and vision. Cut to shots of nixon and reagan, intercut with greed,lies,and disapointment. Fade to black vote democratic.
SUBJECTS: american dream; democratic party; corruption in politics
Massive Media
FORMAT: VHS videotape
OFFICE: Ballot measures, Propositions and Issue Campaigns
NATION: United States of America
LENGTH: 02:00:00
- Broadcast: 1992
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1 Items
Repository Details
Part of the Carl Albert Center Congressional and Political Collections Repository