"What's it all about" - Stokes, Carl Burton - [Ohio] - [Democratic Party] - City and County Offices and Issue Campaigns - 1968, 1968
Item — ColdStorage: 1
Identifier: P-316-9006
SUMMARY: 2 large balls are weighed by two hands as a voiceover discusses the issues of the campaign. Balls are set and one begins to roll past other stationary ball. Voiceover describes candidate's ability to get things done. Election is for mayor of Cleveland.
SUBJECTS: hard worker
FORMAT: 16mm film
GENDER (legacy): Male
City and County Offices and Issue Campaigns
NATION: United States of America
- Broadcast: 1968
Conditions Governing Access
There are use terms, fees, and restrictions applicable to this collection. VISIT - https://www.ou.edu/carlalbertcenter/congressional-collection/kanter/kanteraccess
1 Items
Physical Location
Standard Shelf Bay (Burton Hall)
Repository Details
Part of the Carl Albert Center Congressional and Political Collections Repository