"We Can" - Midura, Shelly Stephenson - [Louisiana] - [Democratic Party] - City and County Offices - City Council - 2006, 2006
Item — ColdStorage: 1
Identifier: P-1885-107727
SUMMARY: Voiceover says opponent is controlled by energy industry, he helped increase Entergy's profits while our utility rates increased, company gave him rides on private jet and campaign cash, candidate says she will take on Entergy and reduce rates, will end corruption
SUBJECTS: utilities; special interests; corruption
FORMAT: DVD - Optical Media
NOTES: New Orleans City Council. 2007 Pollie Award entry.
GENDER (legacy): Female
City and County Offices - City Council
NATION: United States of America
LENGTH: 00:30:00
- Broadcast: 2006
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1 Items
Physical Location
Standard Shelf Bay (Burton Hall)
Repository Details
Part of the Carl Albert Center Congressional and Political Collections Repository