1970 - United States House of Representatives Offices - Roger Blobaum - "Drugs", 1970-01-01 - 1970-12-31
Identifier: P-132-10383
Candidate: Roger Blobaum
Summary: Scenes of school and candidate with students shown as voiceover states children's future is at stake with the ever growing problems of drug abuse. Voiceover also states candidate has bill to present for passing concerning drug problems.
Office: United States House of Representatives Offices and Issue Campaigns
- Broadcast: 1970-01-01 - 1970-12-31
From the Collection: 120,484 Items (Moving Image Ads account for 99,259 @ 5.66 TB current digital files with 1708 missing files on multiple locations (see Repository Notes). Radio Ads will account for 22,289 ads ) : 1/2" videotape 1" videoptape 2" videoptape 3/4" videoptape 16mm film 35mm film VHS videotape DVD - Optical Media Digital Download (Internet) Digital Download (live capture) Betacam SP videotape
91st (1969-1971)
Repository Details
Part of the Carl Albert Center Congressional and Political Collections Repository