Coldstorage 1
Contains 13551 Collections and/or Records:
"Gifts 118" - Yes on Proposition 118, Californians for Ethical Reform - [California] - Ballot measures, Propositions and Issue Campaigns - 1990, 1990
Item — ColdStorage: 1
Identifier: P-1501-75114
Scope and Contents
SUMMARY: Prop 118 creates a code of ethics for politicians.
SUBJECTS: reform
Russo March and Associates
FORMAT: Betacam SP videotape
OFFICE: Ballot measures, Propositions and Issue Campaigns
NATION: United States of America
LENGTH: 00:30:00
"Gifts" - Yes on Proposition 118, Californians for Ethical Reform - [California] - Ballot measures, Propositions and Issue Campaigns - 1990, 1990
Item — ColdStorage: 1
Identifier: P-2009-135980
Scope and Contents
SUMMARY: Voiceover explains proposition 118 and how it ends conflict of interest.
SUBJECTS: special interests
Russo Marsh and Assoc.
FORMAT: VHS videotape
OFFICE: Ballot measures, Propositions and Issue Campaigns
NATION: United States of America
NOTES: Campaign Industry News, See Spot Run, June 4, 1990
LENGTH: 00:30:00
"Bribe" - Yes on Proposition 140, Ethics in Government - [California] - Ballot measures, Propositions and Issue Campaigns - 1990, 1990
Item — ColdStorage: 1
Identifier: P-499-118449
Scope and Contents
SUMMARY: Voiceover watching california lawmaker agree to bribe, sacramento big party, spending tax money on pensions, cars, air travel, proposition 140 limits terms, takes away pension, social security.
SUBJECTS: government; taxes; social security
The Creative Group
FORMAT: VHS videotape
OFFICE: Ballot measures, Propositions and Issue Campaigns
NATION: United States of America
LENGTH: 00:30:00
"Heston/The Gang Yes on 119" - Yes on Proposition 119, Citizens for Political Reform (Yes on Propositions 119 and 111) - [California] - Ballot measures, Propositions and Issue Campaigns - 1990, 1990
Item — ColdStorage: 1
Identifier: P-1177-51595
Scope and Contents
SUMMARY: Charlton heston talks about millions in special deals, voters rights, fair elections, proposition 119 political reform, vote yes.
SUBJECTS: reform
The Dolphin Group
FORMAT: 3/4" videotape
OFFICE: Ballot measures, Propositions and Issue Campaigns
NATION: United States of America
LENGTH: 00:30:00
"Reason (A)" - Yes on Proposition 118, Californians for Ethical Reform - [California] - Ballot measures, Propositions and Issue Campaigns - 1990, 1990
Item — ColdStorage: 1
Identifier: P-1177-51599
Scope and Contents
SUMMARY: Voiceover politics, ethics, reform, proposition 118 gives voter control, vote yes.
SUBJECTS: reform; ethics
The Dolphin Group
FORMAT: 3/4" videotape
OFFICE: Ballot measures, Propositions and Issue Campaigns
NATION: United States of America
LENGTH: 00:30:00
"Heston/The Gang" - Yes on Proposition 119, Citizens for Political Reform - [California] - Ballot measures, Propositions and Issue Campaigns - 1990, 1990
Item — ColdStorage: 1
Identifier: P-1501-75109
Scope and Contents
SUMMARY: Charlton heston asks voters to vote yes on prop 119 for political reform.
SUBJECTS: voting; reform
The Dolphin Group
FORMAT: Betacam SP videotape
OFFICE: Ballot measures, Propositions and Issue Campaigns
NATION: United States of America
LENGTH: 00:30:00
"Reasons (A)" - Yes on Proposition 118, Californians for Ethical Reform - [California] - Ballot measures, Propositions and Issue Campaigns - 1990, 1990
Item — ColdStorage: 1
Identifier: P-1501-75113
Scope and Contents
SUMMARY: Prop 118 is real government reform.
SUBJECTS: reform
The Dolphin Group
FORMAT: Betacam SP videotape
OFFICE: Ballot measures, Propositions and Issue Campaigns
NATION: United States of America
LENGTH: 00:30:00
"Surveillance (A)" - Yes on Proposition 118, Californians for Ethical Reform - [California] - Ballot measures, Propositions and Issue Campaigns - 1990, 1990
Item — ColdStorage: 1
Identifier: P-1505-75116
Scope and Contents
SUMMARY: Prop 118 will stop political gifts, close conflict of interest loopholes.
SUBJECTS: government; corruption
The Dolphin Group
FORMAT: Betacam SP videotape
OFFICE: Ballot measures, Propositions and Issue Campaigns
NATION: United States of America
LENGTH: 00:30:00
"Reasons (A)" - Yes on Proposition 118, Californians for Ethical Reform - [California] - Ballot measures, Propositions and Issue Campaigns - 1990, 1990
Item — ColdStorage: 1
Identifier: P-1505-75117
Scope and Contents
SUMMARY: Prop 118 will stop political gifts, close conflict of interest loopholes.
SUBJECTS: government; corruption
The Dolphin Group
FORMAT: Betacam SP videotape
OFFICE: Ballot measures, Propositions and Issue Campaigns
NATION: United States of America
LENGTH: 00:30:00
"Bob Vice" - Yes on Proposition 135, Yes on 135, CAREFUL, A Coalition of Farmers and Farm Organizations - [California] - Ballot measures, Propositions and Issue Campaigns - 1990, 1990
Item — ColdStorage: 1
Identifier: P-1521-75360
Scope and Contents
SUMMARY: Yes on 135 would help regulate pesticide use.
SUBJECTS: agriculture; environment
The Dolphin Group
FORMAT: 1" videotape
OFFICE: Ballot measures, Propositions and Issue Campaigns
NATION: United States of America
LENGTH: 00:30:00