Coldstorage 1
Contains 13551 Collections and/or Records:
"Stop Trash-Rev." - Yes on Initiative 1, Surface Mining Initiative Fund - [South Dakota] - Ballot measures, Propositions and Issue Campaigns - 1990, 1990
Item — ColdStorage: 1
Identifier: P-1177-51576
Scope and Contents
SUMMARY: Voiceover out of state special interests, south dakota garbage dump, vote yes initiative 1.
SUBJECTS: environment
FORMAT: 3/4" videotape
OFFICE: Ballot measures, Propositions and Issue Campaigns
NATION: United States of America
LENGTH: 00:30:00
"endorsements" - Yes on Initiative 2, Surface Mining Initiative Fund - [South Dakota] - Ballot measures, Propositions and Issue Campaigns - 1990, 1990
Item — ColdStorage: 1
Identifier: P-1177-51577
Scope and Contents
SUMMARY: Voiceover mining companies breaking promise, initiative 2 good law, vote yes.
SUBJECTS: environment
FORMAT: 3/4" videotape
OFFICE: Ballot measures, Propositions and Issue Campaigns
NATION: United States of America
LENGTH: 00:30:00
"Leave Out" - Yes on Initiative 1, Surface Mining Initiative Fund - [South Dakota] - Ballot measures, Propositions and Issue Campaigns - 1990, 1990
Item — ColdStorage: 1
Identifier: P-1177-51578
Scope and Contents
SUMMARY: Voiceover ads about lonetree leave out facts, out of state garbage, vote yes initiative 1, against out of state garbage.
SUBJECTS: environment
FORMAT: 3/4" videotape
OFFICE: Ballot measures, Propositions and Issue Campaigns
NATION: United States of America
LENGTH: 00:30:00
"Home Rule Coker" - Hamilton County Home Rule Charter Commission - [Tennessee] - Ballot measures, Propositions and Issue Campaigns - 1990, 1990
Item — ColdStorage: 1
Identifier: P-1168-51194
Scope and Contents
SUMMARY: Harold coker, hamilton county commissioner, in ls, speaks to camera about home rule; urges viewer to call to get facts; screen flips w/phone #'s, one being coker's home #; candidate gives #'s vo; anncr. Tag.
SUBJECTS: education; plan
Bramlett Comm.
FORMAT: 3/4" videotape
OFFICE: Ballot measures, Propositions and Issue Campaigns
NATION: United States of America
LENGTH: 00:30:00
"Schools Bonds" - Friends of Education - [Tennessee] - Ballot measures, Propositions and Issue Campaigns - 1990, 1990
Item — ColdStorage: 1
Identifier: P-1168-51191
Scope and Contents
SUMMARY: Female anncr. Voiceover shots of school children, building in need of repair; many cuts; voiceover talks about educational need says the cost of pizza, text; anncr. Urges yes vote.
SUBJECTS: education; budget
Friends of Education
FORMAT: 3/4" videotape
OFFICE: Ballot measures, Propositions and Issue Campaigns
NATION: United States of America
LENGTH: 00:30:00
"Education" - Yes On Sales Tax Reform, Committee to support the temporary sales tax referendum - [Tennessee] - Ballot measures, Propositions and Issue Campaigns - 1990, 1990
Item — ColdStorage: 1
Identifier: P-1116-47318
Scope and Contents
SUMMARY: Voiceover education use to be top priority, vote yes on sales tax referendum.
SUBJECTS: education
FORMAT: 3/4" videotape
OFFICE: Ballot measures, Propositions and Issue Campaigns
NATION: United States of America
LENGTH: 00:30:00
"Lampson" - Democratic Party - [Texas] - [Democratic] - Ballot measures, Propositions and Issue Campaigns - 1990, 1990
Item — ColdStorage: 1
Identifier: P-1099-46162
Scope and Contents
SUMMARY: Man in cs, identified by caption as nick lampson, suit and tieplain background, speaks to camera about democratic party, andit's work for the people, logo screen, red and blue, white text.
SUBJECTS: democratic party
Trum Advertising
FORMAT: 3/4" videotape
OFFICE: Ballot measures, Propositions and Issue Campaigns
NATION: United States of America
LENGTH: 00:30:00
"Glover" - Democratic Party - [Texas] - [Democratic] - Ballot measures, Propositions and Issue Campaigns - 1990, 1990
Item — ColdStorage: 1
Identifier: P-1099-46163
Scope and Contents
SUMMARY: Man in ms, suit and tie, plain gray background, unidentified by caption as donald glover, talks about what democratic partyhas done for american society, says he's a former democratic county chairman, urges democratic vote, logo
SUBJECTS: democratic party
Trum Advertising
FORMAT: 3/4" videotape
OFFICE: Ballot measures, Propositions and Issue Campaigns
NATION: United States of America
LENGTH: 00:30:00
"Robinson" - Democratic Party - [Texas] - [Democratic] - Ballot measures, Propositions and Issue Campaigns - 1990, 1990
Item — ColdStorage: 1
Identifier: P-1099-46164
Scope and Contents
SUMMARY: Jc dec 90-03 jeff. Co. Dem. Ex. Comm. On slate
SUBJECTS: democratic party
Trum Advertising
FORMAT: 3/4" videotape
OFFICE: Ballot measures, Propositions and Issue Campaigns
NATION: United States of America
LENGTH: 00:30:00
"Thomas" - Democratic Party - [Texas] - [Democratic] - Ballot measures, Propositions and Issue Campaigns - 1990, 1990
Item — ColdStorage: 1
Identifier: P-1099-46165
Scope and Contents
SUMMARY: Black woman in cs, identified by caption as irma lynn thomas, dressed in b and w suit, speaks to camera about democratic party and its leadership, says sh'e a member of state executive committee; urges democratic vote, logo
SUBJECTS: democratic party
Trum Advertising
FORMAT: 3/4" videotape
OFFICE: Ballot measures, Propositions and Issue Campaigns
NATION: United States of America
LENGTH: 00:30:00