Coldstorage 1
Contains 13551 Collections and/or Records:
"Save" - No on 54, No On 54 - [California] - Ballot measures, Propositions and Issue Campaigns - 2004, 2004
Item — ColdStorage: 1
Identifier: P-1828-103493
Scope and Contents
SUMMARY: Dr. C. Everett Koop says measure would block vital health information that can help save lives and would end prevention efforts for various diseases.
SUBJECTS: health care
FORMAT: DVD - Optical Media
OFFICE: Ballot measures, Propositions and Issue Campaigns
NATION: United States of America
NOTES: AAPC Pollie Award Entries - All from computer downloads
LENGTH: 00:30:00
"Sickle Cell" - Yes on 61, Yes on Children's' Hospitals, Yes on 61 - [California] - Ballot measures, Propositions and Issue Campaigns - 2004, 2004
Item — ColdStorage: 1
Identifier: P-1828-103495
Scope and Contents
SUMMARY: Ad features Jamie lee Curtis saying measure doesn't raise taxes, it saves lives.
SUBJECTS: health care; taxes
FORMAT: DVD - Optical Media
OFFICE: Ballot measures, Propositions and Issue Campaigns
NATION: United States of America
NOTES: AAPC Pollie Award Entries - All from computer downloads
LENGTH: 00:30:00
"Victim" - Yes on 64, Yes on 64 -Californians to stop Shakedown Lawsuits - [California] - Ballot measures, Propositions and Issue Campaigns - 2004, 2004
Item — ColdStorage: 1
Identifier: P-1828-103499
Scope and Contents
SUMMARY: Ad says measure will stop shakedown of small businesses and families by unscrupulous trial lawyers.
SUBJECTS: law; family; business
FORMAT: DVD - Optical Media
OFFICE: Ballot measures, Propositions and Issue Campaigns
NATION: United States of America
NOTES: AAPC Pollie Award Entries - All from computer downloads
LENGTH: 00:30:00
"Why" - Yes on Proposition 72, Yes on 72, Save your Healthcare - [California] - Ballot measures, Propositions and Issue Campaigns - 2004, 2004
Item — ColdStorage: 1
Identifier: P-1828-103500
Scope and Contents
SUMMARY: Ad says taxpayers paid over $32 million for health care for Wal-Mart employees. Measure requires employers to pay 80% of insurance premiums.
SUBJECTS: insurance; taxes; health care
FORMAT: DVD - Optical Media
OFFICE: Ballot measures, Propositions and Issue Campaigns
NATION: United States of America
NOTES: AAPC Pollie Award Entries - All from computer downloads
LENGTH: 00:30:00
"Wrong Prescription" - No on 72, Californians Against Govt Run Healthcare - [California] - Ballot measures, Propositions and Issue Campaigns - 2004, 2004
Item — ColdStorage: 1
Identifier: P-1828-103502
Scope and Contents
SUMMARY: Ad says proposition 72 costs taxpayers $7 billion for government -run health care plan and could cost 150,000 jobs.
SUBJECTS: health care; jobs; taxes
FORMAT: DVD - Optical Media
OFFICE: Ballot measures, Propositions and Issue Campaigns
NATION: United States of America
NOTES: AAPC Pollie Award Entries - All from computer downloads
LENGTH: 00:30:00
"Relieve Overcrowding" - Yes on Measure N, Friends of the KHSD Bond Campaign - [California] - Ballot measures, Propositions and Issue Campaigns - 2004, 2004
Item — ColdStorage: 1
Identifier: P-1828-103506
Scope and Contents
SUMMARY: Ad says measure would ease overcrowding, create more classrooms and increase accountability.
SUBJECTS: education; taxes
FORMAT: DVD - Optical Media
OFFICE: Ballot measures, Propositions and Issue Campaigns
NATION: United States of America
NOTES: Kern County0 AAPC Pollie Award Entries - All from computer downloads
LENGTH: 00:30:00
151000 - No on Proposition 72, Californians Against Govt Run Health Care - [California] - Ballot measures, Propositions and Issue Campaigns - 2004, 2004
Item — ColdStorage: 1
Identifier: P-1832-103749
Scope and Contents
SUMMARY: Ad says proposition will cost 151,000 jobs and asks for no vote on tax increase.
SUBJECTS: jobs; health care; taxes
Berman and Company
FORMAT: DVD - Optical Media
OFFICE: Ballot measures, Propositions and Issue Campaigns
NATION: United States of America
NOTES: All from AAPC Pollie Awards computer downloads
LENGTH: 00:30:00
"Paralegal" - Yes on 64, Californians To Stop Shakedown Lawsuits - [California] - Ballot measures, Propositions and Issue Campaigns - 2004, 2004
Item — ColdStorage: 1
Identifier: P-1821-102999
Scope and Contents
SUMMARY: Shows a lawyer asking his staff to make a list of small business but profitable so that they can make money by filing suits on behalf of state. Voiceover says prop 64 closes down this loop hole of private lawyers filing suits to make money. Asks to vote yes.
SUBJECTS: law suits; small businesses; legislation
Goddard Claussen Strategic Advocacy
FORMAT: DVD - Optical Media
OFFICE: Ballot measures, Propositions and Issue Campaigns
NATION: United States...
"Victim" - Yes on 64, Californians To Stop Shakedown Lawsuits - [California] - Ballot measures, Propositions and Issue Campaigns - 2004, 2004
Item — ColdStorage: 1
Identifier: P-1821-103000
Scope and Contents
SUMMARY: Small business owner recounts his bad personal exp with shake down lawsuits. He has received a letter demanding $2,500 for breaking the law. He had no option other than to pay money since lawyers fees to fight lawsuit were higher than the demanded amt.
SUBJECTS: experience; law suits; small businesses
Goddard Claussen Strategic Advocacy
FORMAT: DVD - Optical Media
OFFICE: Ballot measures, Propositions and Issue Campaigns
NATION: United States of...
"Recovery" - Yes on 64, Californians To Stop Shakedown Lawsuits - [California] - Ballot measures, Propositions and Issue Campaigns - 2004, 2004
Item — ColdStorage: 1
Identifier: P-1821-103001
Scope and Contents
SUMMARY: Shows a small business owner in her office. She talks abt the need for stopping frivolous lawsuits. Says these shakedown lawsuits cost everyone $809 every year and that if these lawsuits are not stopped businesses will run out of state.
SUBJECTS: law suits; small businesses; expenditure
Goddard Claussen Strategic Advocacy
FORMAT: DVD - Optical Media
OFFICE: Ballot measures, Propositions and Issue Campaigns
NATION: United States of America
NOTES: From...