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Box RS 1


Contains 187 Collections and/or Records:

Miscellaneous public laws, undated

 Item — Box: RS 1, Folder: 19
Identifier: CAC_CC_053_9_1_19_8
Scope and Contents Including H. R. 8505. Public Number 430, 75th Congress, Chapter 30, 3rd Session. To Provide for Conservation of Soil Resources. H. R. 9915 to Amend Agricultural Adjustment Act. S. 3949 to Amend Agricultural Adjustment Act of 1938. S. 3836, S. J. Res. 308 To Prescribe Acreage Allotments for Wheat for 1939.

U.S.D.A. Soil Survey of Woodward County, Oklahoma, undated

 Item — Box: RS 1, Folder: 19
Identifier: CAC_CC_053_9_1_19_9
Scope and Contents E. G. Fitzpatrick, W. C. Boatright. Bureau of Chemistry and Soils. Includes enclosed maps.

Press release, undated

 Item — Box: RS 1, Folder: 20
Identifier: CAC_CC_053_9_1_20_1

Press release, undated

 Item — Box: RS 1, Folder: 20
Identifier: CAC_CC_053_9_1_20_2
Scope and Contents Commodity Price Average Shows Further Gains.

Press release, undated

 Item — Box: RS 1, Folder: 20
Identifier: CAC_CC_053_9_1_20_3
Scope and Contents U.S.D.A. Government Loan On 1939 Cotton

Press release, undated

 Item — Box: RS 1, Folder: 20
Identifier: CAC_CC_053_9_1_20_4
Scope and Contents U.S.D.A. Birmingham Stamp Plan Area Extended to Include All of Jefferson County.

Typescript of a bill, undated

 Item — Box: RS 1, Folder: 20
Identifier: CAC_CC_053_9_1_20_5
Scope and Contents To Relieve the Existing National Economic Emergency by Increasing Agricultural Purchasing Power.

Message of Franklin D. Roosevelt, undated

 Item — Box: RS 1, Folder: 21
Identifier: CAC_CC_053_9_1_21_1
Scope and Contents Vetoing of H. R. 5300 regulating wheat market quotas.

Correspondence, undated

 Item — Box: RS 1, Folder: 21
Identifier: CAC_CC_053_9_1_21_2
Scope and Contents Most of the material in the Thomas Collection was created during his senatorial years. Because Thomas served over half of his years in the Senate during the Great Depression and World War II, the collection is an excellent source on the history of the nation and Oklahoma during the 1930s and 1940s. The files reflect the national debate over these two major crises and include opinions of colleagues, figures in the Franklin D. Roosevelt administration, and other prominent personalities. Because...

Information Sheet, undated

 Item — Box: RS 1, Folder: 21
Identifier: CAC_CC_053_9_1_21_3
Scope and Contents Department of Commerce, Bureau of Census. Cotton Ginned Prior to October 1, in Oklahoma: Crops of 1941 and 1940.