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Climate control archival storage 1


Contains 2588 Collections and/or Records:

Crime - Goddard, Terry, 1994-01-01 - 1994

 Item — Climate Control Archival Storage: 1
Identifier: PCC - V10147 - 56508
Scope and Contents Male voiceover horiz. window shutters; super changing text across top 1/3 and lower 1/3. Use of footage showing cand. interacting w/ constituents: courtroom setting, with police, in neighborhoods. Include shot of police & jail. Super cand. tag at end.; Notes:

Nation: United States of America

State: Arizona

Party: Democratic

Bio - Goddard, Terry, 1994-01-01 - 1994

 Item — Climate Control Archival Storage: 1
Identifier: PCC - V10147 - 56509
Scope and Contents voiceover animated pics of Candidate as child w/ family, Candidate as prosecutor, Candidate as navy commander. Text changes to identify pics. Cand's accomplishments. Footage of Candidate in mtgs, w/ police. voiceover states points. Toxic waste scenes & jail. Candidate talks to group, Tag; Notes:

Nation: United States of America

State: Arizona

Party: Democratic

Water - Goddard, Terry, 1994-01-01 - 1994

 Item — Climate Control Archival Storage: 1
Identifier: PCC - V10148 - 56510
Scope and Contents voiceover aerial shot of dam. Girl gets glass of water f/ sink. Candidate talks w/ super name. voiceover shots of toxic waste dumped into water supply. Candidate Tag; Notes:

Nation: United States of America

State: Arizona

Party: Democratic

Counter - Goddard, Terry, 1994-01-01 - 1994

 Item — Climate Control Archival Storage: 1
Identifier: PCC - V10149 - 56511
Scope and Contents Spot attacks opponent. voiceover shot of police w/ criminals & headline. Pic of opponent w/ another newspaper article. Pan of city bldg w/ graphics. Excerpt from letter w/ opponent signature. Candidate w/ police & text. Jail cell door closing w/ text. Candidate talking to group. Tag; Notes:

Nation: United States of America

State: Arizona

Party: Democratic

Courage - Johnson, Paul, 1994-01-01 - 1994

 Item — Climate Control Archival Storage: 1
Identifier: PCC - V10151 - 56513
Scope and Contents Male v.o. and text slate. Dissolve to b/w shot of candidate as child. Fade to black and fade up on footage of candidate interacting with constituents in various settings. Cut to candidate with his family. Cut to shot of candidate. Cut to candidate tag.; Notes:

Nation: United States of America

State: Arizona

Party: Democratic

Do Something - Johnson, Paul, 1994-01-01 - 1994

 Item — Climate Control Archival Storage: 1
Identifier: PCC - V10152 - 56514
Scope and Contents Open with candidate v.o. and text slate. Cut to candidate talking head (shoulder shot, studio setting). Candidate talks about his promise to protect teenagers. Zoom to c.u. Male v.o. cuts in at end.; Notes:

Nation: United States of America

State: Arizona

Party: Democratic

Thanksgiving - Johnson, Paul, 1994-01-01 - 1994

 Item — Climate Control Archival Storage: 1
Identifier: PCC - V10153 - 56515
Scope and Contents Candidate talking head (shoulder shot, studio setting). Cut to candidate tag. Cut back to talking head. Male v.o. cuts in at end.; Notes:

Nation: United States of America

State: Arizona

Party: Democratic

Beethoven - Johnson, Paul, 1994-01-01 - 1994

 Item — Climate Control Archival Storage: 1
Identifier: PCC - V10154 - 56516
Scope and Contents voiceover 2 text slates. Criminal photo, super text. voiceover attacks opponent for not opposing law that would let felons teach in schools. 2 more text slates, another pic of criminal w/ face blacked out, text. voiceover attacks opponent for allowing plea bargaining. Text, voiceover; Notes:

Nation: United States of America

State: Arizona

Party: Democratic

Truth - Johnson, Paul, 1994-01-01 - 1994

 Item — Climate Control Archival Storage: 1
Identifier: PCC - V10155 - 56517
Scope and Contents voiceover text slate. voiceover sttes only Candidate has fought to protect children. Text slates w/ rolling text shows orgs that endorse Cand. Text, voiceover; Notes:

Nation: United States of America

State: Arizona

Party: Democratic

Momentum - Johnson, Paul, 1994-01-01 - 1994

 Item — Climate Control Archival Storage: 1
Identifier: PCC - V10155 - 56518
Scope and Contents voiceover text slate. Candidate interacts w/ police & other Constit. List of orgs & individuals that endorse Cand. Candidate w/ constit. voiceover states Candidate is the only one able to beat a Repub opponent. Text, Candidate tag; Notes:

Nation: United States of America

State: Arizona

Party: Democratic